List of free DLL files - - page 110

All Dll files to download can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

basesrv.dll - Windows NT BASE API Server DLL (1619 downloads)

basictableddata.dll - CorelCENTRAL 10 Import/Export Mapper Module (1509 downloads)

baspnt4.dll - Broadcom Advanced Server Program Driver (1480 downloads)

baspw2k.dll - Broadcom Advanved Server Program Driver (1475 downloads)

baspxp32.dll - Broadcom Advanved Server Program Driver (1422 downloads)

baspxp64.dll - Broadcom Advanved Server Program Driver (1458 downloads)

bass.dll - (13791 downloads)

basscd.dll - BASSCD (1100 downloads)

basschorus2.dll - (1458 downloads)

basschorusv22.dll - (1447 downloads)

bassenc.dll - BASSenc (1701 downloads)

bassmix.dll - BASSmix (1621 downloads)

basswma.dll - BASSWMA (1418 downloads)

batchaction.dll - (1510 downloads)

batchcharge.dll - (1476 downloads)

batchcommand.dll - (1360 downloads)

batchprovisioning.dll - (1423 downloads)

batmeter.dll - DLL d'application d'assistance de Jauge de batterie (1546 downloads)

batpgp55.dll - (1522 downloads)

batpgp60.dll - (1433 downloads)

batpgp65.dll - (1446 downloads)

batt.dll - Battery Class Installer (1576 downloads)

battery.dll - BATTERY software sampler (1701 downloads)

battery2vst.dll - Battery 2 (1682 downloads)

battle_interface.dll - (1547 downloads)

battman.dll - Battman Resources (1503 downloads)

battmanres.dll - Block Attribute Manager Resources (1513 downloads)

bavaria.dll - (1565 downloads)

bayesflt.dll - (1443 downloads)

bbcore20.dll - Microsoft (R) BBT (1452 downloads)

bbdatafeed.dll - (1513 downloads)

bbdmux.dll - (1467 downloads)

bbdx8.dll - (1496 downloads)

bbkeys.dll - (2448 downloads)

bblsrvdl.dll - (1462 downloads)

bbmonitor.dll - (1425 downloads)

bboard.dll - setup (1502 downloads)

bcastdvr.proxy.dll - Broadcast DVR Proxy (1319 downloads)

bcaut.dll - Visual Basic Authoring (1357 downloads)

bcbmm.dll - (1342 downloads)

bcd.dll - BCD DLL (1427 downloads)

bcdprov.dll - Boot Configuration Data WMI Provider (1226 downloads)

bcdsrv.dll - Boot Configuration Data COM Server (1283 downloads)

bcg590.dll - BCGControlBar Shared Library (1367 downloads)

bcgcb473.dll - BCGControlBar DLL (1431 downloads)

bcgcb583.dll - BCGControlBar DLL (1482 downloads)

bcgcbpro730.dll - BCGControlBar Professional DLL (1471 downloads)

bcgcbpro730u.dll - BCGControlBar Professional DLL (1394 downloads)

bchcore.dll - (1315 downloads)

bckg.dll - Zone Backgammon Client (1444 downloads)

bckgres.dll - Zone Datafile (1438 downloads)

bclock.dll - (1405 downloads)

bcrypt.dll - Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library (Wow64) (8223 downloads)

bcryptprimitives.dll - Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library (2137 downloads)

bcspse.dll - HeidiPen Set Editor (1311 downloads)

bdaucommon.dll - 百度输入法自动更新共享库 (1181 downloads)

bdcap32.dll - Bandisoft - Bandicapture DLL (1157 downloads)

bdco1.dll - Co-Installer DLL for BD (1417 downloads)

bdco1ins.dll - Co-Installer DLL for BD (1407 downloads)

bdcore.dll - BitDefender CORE (1371 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1218653)
xinput1_3.dll (887052)
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vcruntime140.dll (706274)
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msvcp110.dll (282277)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (243307)
amtlib.dll (233213)
d3dx9_39.dll (220173)
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d3dx9_30.dll (172927)
steam_api.dll (170410)
KERNEL32.dll (167811)
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msvcr71.dll (138842) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012