List of free DLL files - - page 71

All Dll files to download can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

WinRtTracing.dll - Windows Diagnostics Tracing (1208 downloads)

WinSATAPI.dll - API de l’outil d’évaluation système Windows (1241 downloads)

WinSetupUI.dll - Windows Setup UI (1299 downloads)

WinSparkle.dll - WinSparkle updater (1779 downloads)

WinSync.dll - Synchronization Framework (1239 downloads)

WinSyncMetastore.dll - Windows Synchronization Metadata Store (1218 downloads)

WinSyncProviders.dll - Windows Synchronization Provider Framework (1201 downloads)

WinTypes.dll - Windows Base Types DLL (1473 downloads)

WindDMO.dll - WindDMO Module (1362 downloads)

Window.dll - (7700 downloads)

WindowManagement.dll - Window Management (1289 downloads)

Windows.AccountsControl.dll - Windows Accounts Control (1609 downloads)

Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.SystemEventsBroker.dll - Windows Background System Events Broker API Server (1203 downloads)

Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.TimeBroker.dll - Windows Background Time Broker API Server (1592 downloads)

Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.dll - Windows Application Model Core API (2154 downloads)

Windows.ApplicationModel.LockScreen.dll - Windows Lock Application Framework DLL (1996 downloads)

Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.TestingFramework.dll - Windows Store Testing Framework Runtime DLL (1315 downloads)

Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.dll - Windows Store Runtime DLL (1662 downloads)

Windows.ApplicationModel.Wallet.dll - Windows ApplicationModel Wallet Runtime DLL (1237 downloads)

Windows.ApplicationModel.dll - Windows ApplicationModel API Server (1350 downloads)

Windows.CloudDomainJoinAUG.ProxyStub.dll - Windows.CloudDomainJoinAUG.ProxyStub (1236 downloads)

Windows.CloudStore.Schema.DesktopShell.dll - Desktop Shell Schema for Cloud Data Store (1218 downloads)

Windows.CloudStore.Schema.Shell.dll - Shell Schema for Cloud Data Store (1318 downloads)

Windows.CloudStore.dll - Cloud Data Store (1277 downloads)

Windows.Cortana.Desktop.dll - Windows.Cortana.Desktop (1286 downloads)

Windows.Cortana.OneCore.dll - Windows.Cortana.OneCore (1169 downloads)

Windows.Cortana.PAL.Desktop.dll - Windows.Cortana.PAL.Desktop (1229 downloads)

Windows.Cortana.ProxyStub.dll - Windows.Cortana.ProxyStub (1202 downloads)

Windows.Data.Pdf.dll - PDF WinRT APIs (1416 downloads)

Windows.Devices.AllJoyn.dll - Windows.Devices.AllJoyn DLL (1197 downloads)

Windows.Devices.Background.dll - Windows.Devices.Background (1174 downloads) - Windows.Devices.Background Interface Proxy (1200 downloads)

Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.dll - Windows.Devices.Bluetooth DLL (1354 downloads)

Windows.Devices.Custom.dll - Windows.Devices.Custom (1235 downloads) - Windows.Devices.Custom Interface Proxy (1207 downloads)

Windows.Devices.Enumeration.dll - Windows.Devices.Enumeration (1250 downloads) - Windows.Devices.Enumeration Interface Proxy (1110 downloads)

Windows.Devices.Geolocation.dll - Geolocation Runtime DLL (1141 downloads)

Windows.Devices.HumanInterfaceDevice.dll - Windows.Devices.HumanInterfaceDevice DLL (1223 downloads)

Windows.Devices.Lights.dll - Windows Runtime Lights DLL (1174 downloads)

Windows.Devices.LowLevel.dll - Windows.Devices.LowLevel DLL (1213 downloads)

Windows.Devices.Midi.dll - Windows Runtime MIDI Device server DLL (1221 downloads)

Windows.Devices.Perception.dll - Windows Devices Perception API (1200 downloads)

Windows.Devices.Picker.dll - Device Picker (1178 downloads)

Windows.Devices.PointOfService.dll - Windows Runtime PointOfService DLL (1215 downloads)

Windows.Devices.Portable.dll - Windows Runtime Portable Devices DLL (1213 downloads)

Windows.Devices.Printers.Extensions.dll - Windows.Devices.Printers.Extensions (1257 downloads)

Windows.Devices.Printers.dll - Windows Runtime Devices Printers DLL (1251 downloads)

Windows.Devices.Radios.dll - Windows.Devices.Radios DLL (1177 downloads)

Windows.Devices.Scanners.dll - Windows Runtime Devices Scanners DLL (1217 downloads)

Windows.Devices.Sensors.dll - Windows Runtime Sensors DLL (1202 downloads)

Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.dll - Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication DLL (1205 downloads)

Windows.Devices.SmartCards.Phone.dll - Windows Runtime Phone Smart Card Api DLL (1215 downloads)

Windows.Devices.SmartCards.dll - Windows Runtime Smart Card API DLL (1228 downloads)

Windows.Devices.Usb.dll - Windows Runtime Usb DLL (1351 downloads)

Windows.Devices.WiFi.dll - Windows.Devices.WiFi DLL (1238 downloads)

Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.dll - Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect DLL (1205 downloads)

Windows.Energy.dll - Windows Energy Runtime DLL (1205 downloads)

Windows.Gaming.Input.dll - Windows Gaming Input API (1242 downloads)

Windows.Gaming.Preview.dll - Windows Gaming API Preview (1165 downloads)

Top DLL Download

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msvcr71.dll (138839) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012