List of free DLL files - - page 83

All Dll files to download can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

acsecoptres.dll - Security Options Resources (1415 downloads)

acsfm.dll - SF DLL (1423 downloads)

acshape.dll - Shape Editor (1440 downloads)

acshellext.dll - MP3 Audio Converter (1329 downloads)

acshellextui.dll - MP3 Audio Converter (1355 downloads)

acsignappres.dll - AcSignApp Resources (1360 downloads)

acsigncore16.dll - AcSignCore Module (1517 downloads)

acsignext.dll - AcSignExt Module (1444 downloads)

acsignextres.dll - AcSignExtRes Module (1380 downloads)

acsignicon.dll - AcSignIcon Module (1355 downloads)

acsignres.dll - AcSignRes Resources (1320 downloads)

acsiuires.dll - Summary Info dialog for AutoCAD (1332 downloads)

acsnamep.dll - WebCluster Service Proxy/Stub Dll (1367 downloads)

acsnap.dll - Application Center Management SnapIn (1409 downloads)

acspacetransres.dll - SpaceTrans Resources (1258 downloads)

acspecfc.dll - Windows Compatibility DLL (1775 downloads)

acspell.dll - (1417 downloads)

acspl15.dll - (1395 downloads)

acspl16.dll - (1300 downloads)

acsrstap.dll - ACS Restart API Proxy dll (1357 downloads)

acsrtl.dll - ACS RunTime Library (1411 downloads)

acssetup.dll - ACS setup (1375 downloads)

acstarres.dll - AcadStartupRes DLL (1332 downloads)

acstdbatch.dll - AcStdBatch Module (1349 downloads)

acstdstyle.dll - acstdstyle Module (1428 downloads)

acstlay.dll - acstlay Module (1412 downloads)

acstltype.dll - acstltype Module (1421 downloads)

acstmgr.dll - acstmgr Module (1423 downloads)

acstobo.dll - lmStoBo DLL (1373 downloads)

acstres.dll - AcStRes Module (1416 downloads)

acststdres.dll - AcStStdRes Module (1257 downloads)

acsttstyle.dll - AcStTStyle Module (1405 downloads)

act2000agent.dll - (1355 downloads)

act4pwfx.dll - (1402 downloads)

actMHTML.dll - (1427 downloads)

actab32.dll - ACT! Address Book MAPI Service Provider (1443 downloads)

actabcache.dll - ActABCache DLL (1394 downloads)

actabout.dll - actAbout Module (1413 downloads)

actactor.dll - (1411 downloads)

actanal.dll - Kaplan ACT Analysis RT97 DLL (1372 downloads)

actannihilator.dll - (1428 downloads)

actapp.dll - Microsoft Application Center Test (1456 downloads)

actc.dll - AcTc DLL (1366 downloads)

actclassic.dll - (1270 downloads)

actcmd.dll - ActCmd DLL (1369 downloads)

actcres.dll - AcTcRes Resource DLL (1319 downloads)

actctoolsres.dll - AcTcToolsRes Resource DLL (1275 downloads)

actcui.dll - AcTcUi DLL (1306 downloads)

actcuires.dll - AcTcUiRes Resource DLL (1411 downloads)

actdlg.dll - actdlg (1315 downloads)

actext.dll - Norton Shared Component (1463 downloads)

acthumbnail16.dll - AcThumbnail Module (1436 downloads)

actionqueue.dll - Unattend Action Queue Generator / Executor (1550 downloads)

activation.dll - (3797 downloads)

activation.x86.dll - Solidshield Activation Library (3237 downloads)

activeds.dll - DLL de la couche de routage AD (2102 downloads)

actksn.dll - actksn Module (1451 downloads)

actl_5.01.00.dll - Motive ActiveX Module (1429 downloads)

actlang.dll - Symantec Internal Component (1442 downloads)

actlib.dll - actlib (1354 downloads)

Top DLL Download

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xinput1_3.dll (887052)
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vcruntime140.dll (706273)
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D3DCompiler_43.dll (243307)
amtlib.dll (233213)
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KERNEL32.dll (167811)
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msvcr71.dll (138840) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012