List of free DLL files - - page 144

All Dll files to download can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

ddist.dll - (1659 downloads)

ddnt3260.dll - DolbyNet(tm) Audio Codec for RealAudio(tm) (1558 downloads)

ddpchunk.dll - Microsoft Data Deduplication Chunking Library (1253 downloads)

ddptrace.dll - Microsoft File Server Resource Management Tracing Library (1276 downloads)

ddputils.dll - Microsoft Data Deduplication Common Library (1269 downloads)

ddraw.dll - Microsoft DirectDraw (4379 downloads)

ddraw16.dll - Microsoft DirectDraw (1620 downloads)

ddraw_dll.dll - ddraw_dll DLL (1525 downloads)

ddrawex.dll - Direct Draw Ex (1654 downloads)

ddvgs.dll - (1741 downloads)

de.dll - (1626 downloads)

de_de.dll - (1498 downloads)

de_msg.dll - (1512 downloads)

deb.dll - Deb Plugin for 7-Zip (1657 downloads)

debug.dll - (2440 downloads)

debugex.dll - DEBUGEX DLL (1576 downloads)

debugger.dll - (1656 downloads)

debugview.dll - DebugView (1685 downloads)

dec1.dll - Delphi Encryption Compendium Part I (1616 downloads)

dec130.dll - Eidos Technologies 130 decoding DLL (1975 downloads)

dec2gho.dll - File Decomposer Component (1513 downloads)

dec2http.dll - File Decomposer Component (1572 downloads)

dec2msg.dll - File Decomposer Component (1601 downloads)

dec2oct.dll - (1500 downloads)

dec2ole1.dll - File Decomposer Component (1587 downloads)

decabuddy.dll - (1768 downloads)

decal.dll - Decal Driver (1512 downloads)

decalwia.dll - Decal WIA minidriver (1517 downloads)

decdll.dll - (1536 downloads)

decdnet.dll - RealAudio(tm) Shared Component (1591 downloads)

decescp2.dll - decescp2 Printer Driver for Windows NT(TM) Operating System (1513 downloads)

deckcomm.dll - 9Pin Control Driver (1472 downloads)

declicker.dll - Wavelab DeClicker (1556 downloads)

deco_32.dll - 32-bit Decompressor Library (1588 downloads)

decode.dll - MPEG Layer-3 Audio Codec for MSACM (1583 downloads)

decoder.dll - WAVE/MP3 Decoder (1860 downloads)

decodestate.dll - (1444 downloads)

decomb.dll - (1586 downloads)

decslib.dll - Digital® Software CODECs Library (1443 downloads)

dedrvor.dll - XPS Rasterization Filter (1274 downloads)

dedrvpj.dll - XPS Pjl Feature Filter (1267 downloads)

dedrvsc.dll - Color Management System (1234 downloads)

dedrvzd.dll - Interface Filter (1258 downloads)

deesser.dll - SPL DeEsser (1771 downloads)

defannrs.dll - Shared LiveSubscribe Components (1540 downloads)

defannty.dll - Norton AntiVirus Utilities (1627 downloads)

default.dll - (1567 downloads)

defaultksp.dll - WebMoney Keeper Classic Extension (1437 downloads)

defaultlocationcpl.dll - Default Location Control Panel (1255 downloads)

defchangefolder.dll - Suite Integration Toolkit Object (1573 downloads)

defconvertor.1.dll - Audio plugin (1460 downloads)

defconvertor.dll - Audio plugin (1456 downloads)

defdependencyui.dll - Suite Integration Toolkit Object (1512 downloads)

defdi.dll - Def's Direct Input (1569 downloads)

defdoc.dll - Default Document handler (1493 downloads)

deffactory.dll - Suite Integration Toolkit Object (1568 downloads)

defhelp.dll - Suite Integration Toolkit Object (1493 downloads)

deflate.dll - Deflate Coder (1589 downloads)

deformerdll.dll - (4540 downloads)

deformerdlly.dll - deformer Dynamic Link Library (1769 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1248826)
xinput1_3.dll (917320)
msvcr100.dll (790559)
msvcp100.dll (747617)
vcruntime140.dll (718852)
msvcp140.dll (592474)
msvcr110.dll (572787)
msvcp120.dll (382902)
msvcr120.dll (378443)
msvcp110.dll (287308)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249203)
amtlib.dll (236362)
d3dx9_39.dll (221218)
binkw32.dll (197962)
unarc.dll (186814)
steam_api.dll (183914)
d3dx9_30.dll (179021)
KERNEL32.dll (175779)
lame_enc.dll (152820)
ISDone.dll (151784) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012