DLL files to download for free - s - Download-DLL.com

DLL files starting with s

Download-DLL.com can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful.

Download-DLL.com offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

S2emu.dll - S2emu (1787 downloads)

S32ALOGO.dll - Norton AntiVirus Activity Log (1708 downloads)

S32EVNT1.dll - Symantec Event Library (1789 downloads)

S32FATL.dll - Symantec Utility API Library (1672 downloads)

S32GUIL.dll - Symantec Custom Control Library (1643 downloads)

S32INTEG.dll - Norton AntiVirus Integrity Library (1771 downloads)

S32KRNLL.dll - Symantec Kernel API Library (1738 downloads)

S32LIVE1.dll - LiveUpdate Compatibility Module (1722 downloads)

S32LUIS1.dll - LiveUpdate Compatibility Module (1669 downloads)

S32LUWI1.dll - LiveUpdate Wininit Processing Module (1698 downloads)

S32NAVO.dll - Norton AntiVirus Symantec Technology (1679 downloads)

S32STAT.dll - Symantec Drive Status Library (1823 downloads)

S32SYSL.dll - Symantec SysFiles API Library (1722 downloads)

S32UTILL.dll - Symantec Utility API Library (1717 downloads)

SAEXT.dll - Microsoft Office 2003 component (1747 downloads)

SAVRT32.dll - Symantec Realtime DLL (1653 downloads)

SBAVMon.dll - Creative SB AVStream Monitoring Utility (6336 downloads)

SBAVMonL.dll - Creative SB AVStream Monitoring Launcher (2922 downloads)

SCANDLVR.dll - Norton AntiVirus Scan and Deliver (1759 downloads)

SCANDRES.dll - Norton AntiVirus Scan and Deliver (1657 downloads)

SCANMGR.dll - Norton AntiVirus Scan Manager (1721 downloads)

SCGMigPlugin.dll - Microsoft Speech Migration Plugin (1430 downloads)

SCHDMAPI.dll - Address Book (1648 downloads)

SCNPST32.dll - Microsoft Outlook Data File Recovery for ANSI Stores (1559 downloads)

SCNPST64.dll - Microsoft Outlook Data File Recovery for UNICODE Stores (1527 downloads)

SCP32.dll - Code Page Translation Library (1692 downloads)

SCRIPTUI.dll - Norton AntiVirus Script Blocking UI (1756 downloads)

SCRPTXTN.dll - Microsoft Exchange Server Scripting (1770 downloads)

SCSIDLL.dll - scsidll (1685 downloads)

SCSLib.dll - (2063 downloads)

SCardBi.dll - SmartCard Background Infrastructure Library (1541 downloads)

SCardSvr.dll - Smart Card Resource Management Server (1602 downloads)

SDBMWorker320U.dll - SDBMWorker DLL (1546 downloads)

SDDS.dll - "SDDS.DYNLINK" (1579 downloads)

SDFLT32I.dll - (1680 downloads)

SDL.dll - SDL (9713 downloads)

SDL2.dll - SDL (5466 downloads)

SDL_mixer.dll - SDL_mixer (2097 downloads)

SDPCK32I.dll - (1641 downloads)

SDSND32I.dll - (1718 downloads)

SDSOK32I.dll - (1640 downloads)

SDSTP32I.dll - (1624 downloads)

SDUpdateExt.dll - SNDA Update Component (1533 downloads)

SECUR32.dll - Security Support Provider Interface (2057 downloads)

SELFREG.dll - Self Registration DLL (1659 downloads)

SEMCOMN.dll - Common Objects DLL for SQL Enterprise Manager (1623 downloads)

SEMCROS.dll - SEMCROS User Interface DLL for SQL Enterprise Manager (1710 downloads)

SEMDLL.dll - SQL Enterprise Manager (1604 downloads)

SEMEXEC.dll - User Interface DLL for SQL Enterprise Manager (1649 downloads)

SEMMAP.dll - SEMMAP Resource DLL (1945 downloads)

SEMNT.dll - Window NT Specific DLL for SQL Enterprise Manager (1709 downloads)

SEMOBJ.dll - User Interface DLL for SQL Enterprise Manager (1782 downloads)

SEMREPL.dll - User Interface DLL for SQL Enterprise Manager (1693 downloads)

SEMSYS.dll - User Interface DLL for SQL Enterprise Manager (1607 downloads)

SEMWEBWZ.dll - SQL Server Web Assistant Wizard (1728 downloads)

SEMWIZ.dll - User Interface DLL for SQL Enterprise Manager Wizards (1835 downloads)

SENDTO9.dll - SendTo9 RPC Proxy/Stub DLL (1651 downloads)

SENSAPI.dll - SENS Connectivity API DLL (2158 downloads)

SEQCHK10.dll - Microsoft Office 2003 component (1616 downloads)

SETUP.dll - Application Installation Program (3401 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1245945)
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vcruntime140.dll (717872)
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msvcr120.dll (377843)
msvcp110.dll (286762)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (248666)
amtlib.dll (236262)
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binkw32.dll (197468)
unarc.dll (182653)
steam_api.dll (182124)
d3dx9_30.dll (178288)
KERNEL32.dll (175538)
lame_enc.dll (152676)
mss32.dll (150362)

Download-DLL.com - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012