List of free DLL files - - page 148

All Dll files to download can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

diapi2.dll - Eicon 16Bit CAPI 2.0 DLL for Windows NT (1520 downloads)

diapi232.dll - Eicon 32Bit CAPI 2.0 DLL for Windows NT (1592 downloads)

diapi2nt.dll - Eicon 16Bit CAPI 2.0 DLL Library for Windows NT (1460 downloads)

diasymreader.dll - Dia based SymReader (1912 downloads)

dib.dll - (1697 downloads)

dibbpci20041.dll - (1525 downloads)

dibbpci20098.dll - (1453 downloads)

dibpro.dll - DibPro (1532 downloads)

dibvmpmcdio64.dll - (1603 downloads)

dicbpc104das16jr.dll - (1462 downloads)

dicbpcipdisox.dll - (1594 downloads)

dicbpdiso16.dll - (1627 downloads)

dice_py.dll - (2011 downloads)

dicjp.dll - Microsoft Japanese Handwriting Recognizer (1562 downloads)

dicontecadx.dll - (1615 downloads)

dicontecpio3232t.dll - (1533 downloads)

dict32.dll - Dictionary I/O Library (1523 downloads)

dict_ja.dll - (1614 downloads)

dict_zh.dll - (1478 downloads)

dictationtool.dll - (1555 downloads)

dictionary.dll - (1638 downloads)

didiamondmm.dll - (1446 downloads)

didiamondquartz10.dll - (1576 downloads)

didsetnt.dll - (1480 downloads)

didsmm.dll - (1620 downloads)

didt2821.dll - (1585 downloads)

diecdill.dll - (1484 downloads)

diffeq.dll - Function Library (1620 downloads)

difxapi.dll - Driver Install Frameworks for API library module (2774 downloads)

digamma.dll - (1503 downloads)

digespia2a.dll - (1658 downloads)

digest.dll - Package d'authentification Digest SSPI (1702 downloads)

digiasyn.dll - Digi Async Configuration DLL (1572 downloads)

digidaeinterfacedll.dll - (1592 downloads)

digidbp.dll - Digi DS1/BRI/POTS Configuration DLL (1562 downloads)

digiext.dll - Digidesign Extension Library (1667 downloads)

digifwrk.dll - Digi Configuration FrameWork DLL (1645 downloads)

digihlc.dll - Digi RAS Adapter Configuration DLL (1508 downloads)

digiinf.dll - Digi INF API DLL (1470 downloads)

digiinst.dll - Digi BRI ISDN Configuration utility (1586 downloads)

digiisdn.dll - Digi ISDN Configuration DLL (1571 downloads)

digimidi.dll - Digidesign MIDI Library (1509 downloads)

digipclt.dll - Digimation Protection Client for Autodesk's 3D Studio MAX (1525 downloads)

digipclt4.dll - Digimation Protection Client for Autodesk's 3D Studio MAX (1558 downloads)

digirlpt.dll - Digi RealPort® Driver Setup (1468 downloads)

digitacam.dll - (1571 downloads)

digital.dll - (1698 downloads)

digitalio.dll - (1606 downloads)

digiupg.dll - Digi DataFire BRI Upgrade Support (1513 downloads)

digpriup.dll - Digi DataFire PRIme Upgrade DLL (1528 downloads)

digsadadio.dll - (1539 downloads)

digwebx.dll - DigWebX Module (1603 downloads)

dihsad512.dll - (1544 downloads)

diisa8255.dll - (1497 downloads)

dikmdas1800hr.dll - (1609 downloads)

dikpci1800.dll - (1554 downloads)

dilbw.dll - (1580 downloads)

dilla.dll - (1587 downloads)

dim.dll - (1299 downloads)

dimap.dll - Microsoft DirectInput Mapper (1635 downloads)

Top DLL Download

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D3DCompiler_43.dll (249203)
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ISDone.dll (151784) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012