List of free DLL files - - page 172

All Dll files to download can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

fader.dll - (1765 downloads)

fairway2.dll - (1571 downloads)

farsi.dll - (1702 downloads)

fastfind.dll - (1646 downloads)

fastprox.dll - WMI (1829 downloads)

fatimporter.dll - Nero Library (1556 downloads)

faultrep.dll - Rapport d'erreurs Windows (2380 downloads)

faus3270.dll - ATH Library (1642 downloads)

favlist.dll - Microsoft IIS Favorite Site Bulletin Board Example ISAPI App (1597 downloads)

faxlib.dll - (1647 downloads)

faxmon.dll - Fax Print Monitor (1595 downloads)

faxreq.dll - FAX Module (1657 downloads)

fb63uusd.dll - ScanGear Device Driver (1526 downloads)

fbclient.dll - Firebird SQL Server (4327 downloads)

fcctrl4.dll - Folio Controls (1550 downloads)

fcd.dll - FCD (1302 downloads)

fcd32.dll - (1611 downloads)

fcdchs.dll - Fantom CD 1.2 (1606 downloads)

fcdcht.dll - Fantom CD 1.2 (1568 downloads)

fclient5fs.dll - FotoStar1 MFC Application (1656 downloads)

fclkbtn.dll - FCLKBTN (1604 downloads)

fcncallgen.dll - (1586 downloads)

fcntl.dll - (1524 downloads)

fct62.dll - Faceting Husk DLL (1699 downloads)

fdBth.dll - Function Discovery Bluetooth Provider Dll (1409 downloads)

fdBthProxy.dll - Bluetooth Provider Proxy Dll (1387 downloads)

fdPHost.dll - Function Discovery Provider host service (1432 downloads)

fdPnp.dll - Pnp Provider Dll (1437 downloads)

fdProxy.dll - Function Discovery Proxy Dll (1492 downloads)

fdSSDP.dll - Function Discovery SSDP Provider Dll (1427 downloads)

fdWCN.dll - Windows Connect Now - Config Function Discovery Provider DLL (1380 downloads)

fdWNet.dll - Function Discovery WNet Provider Dll (1393 downloads)

fdWSD.dll - Function Discovery WS Discovery Provider Dll (1343 downloads)

fdate.dll - Microsoft Office 2003 component (1643 downloads)

fdb.dll - FDB DLL (1706 downloads)

fdco1.dll - Co-Installer DLL for FD (1629 downloads)

fdco1ins.dll - Co-Installer DLL for FD (1516 downloads)

fde.dll - Extension du composant logiciel enfichable de redirection de dossiers (1852 downloads)

fdeploy.dll - Extension Winlogon de redirection de dossier (1737 downloads)

fdftk.dll - (1640 downloads)

fdprint.dll - Function Discovery Print Provider Dll (1431 downloads)

fds.dll - (1703 downloads)

fdsoftthinks.dll - (1417 downloads)

fdsplugin.dll - FDS sound plugin for Win32 (1560 downloads)

feacp.dll - Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Compiler Front End (1433 downloads)

feaslv.dll - (1527 downloads)

feclient.dll - Windows NT File Encryption Client Interfaces (1733 downloads)

fecmenu.dll - Windows Explorer context menu handler (1429 downloads)

fedll.dll - (1502 downloads)

femakro.dll - FensterMakro-Bibliothek (1475 downloads)

femakrodlg.dll - FensterMakro-Dialog-Bibliothek (1386 downloads)

fenzeiocx.dll - mb Software AG FenZei Control (1509 downloads)

ff_vfw.dll - (1669 downloads)

ffactory.dll - Filter-Factory PlugIn for IrfanView (1595 downloads)

ffbroker.dll - Force Feedback Broker And Policy COM Server (1342 downloads)

ffc10.dll - Feel Foundation Classes (1556 downloads)

ffmpeg.dll - (34765 downloads)

ffmpegsumo.dll - Google Chrome (1308 downloads)

ffresources.dll - lockdll Dynamic Link Library (1293 downloads)

fft.dll - Function Library (1659 downloads)

Top DLL Download

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xinput1_3.dll (917318)
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msvcr120.dll (378439)
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D3DCompiler_43.dll (249200)
amtlib.dll (236362)
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ISDone.dll (151784) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012