can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
msenc70ui.dll - Microsoft (R) Debugging Edit and Continue Library (1417 downloads)
msencode.dll - Microsoft Character Encoder (1617 downloads)
msenv.dll - Development Environment DLL (1665 downloads)
msenvmnu.dll - Visual Studio Environment Menu Registration DLL (1565 downloads)
msenvmui.dll - Visual Studio Environment Menu Resource DLL (1532 downloads)
msenvp.dll - Development Environment Proxy (1554 downloads)
msenvui.dll - Development Environment Resource DLL (1484 downloads)
msexch35.dll - Microsoft Jet Exchange Isam (1551 downloads)
msexch40.dll - Microsoft Jet Exchange Isam (1559 downloads)
msexcl35.dll - Microsoft Jet Excel Isam (1915 downloads)
msexcl40.dll - Microsoft Jet Excel Isam (1950 downloads)
msfdpb.dll - Microsoft Money Financial Data Parser (1508 downloads)
msfeeds.dll - Microsoft Feeds Manager (1526 downloads)
msfeedsbs.dll - Microsoft Feeds Background Sync (1355 downloads)
msfl11.dll - MSFL11 (1279 downloads)
msftedit.dll - Rich Text Edit Control, v4.1 (1822 downloads)
msgMapi.dll - (1425 downloads)
msgbase.dll - (1409 downloads)
msgblder.dll - Microsoft(R) Developer Studio Message Builder (1467 downloads)
msgbldui.dll - Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Message Builder Resource DLL (1500 downloads)
msgbox.dll - (1774 downloads)
msgbsutl.dll - (1433 downloads)
msgcompo.dll - (1422 downloads)
msgdb.dll - (1537 downloads)
msgimap.dll - (1460 downloads)
msgina.dll - Ouverture de session Windows NT GINA DLL (1724 downloads)
msglocal.dll - (1585 downloads)
msgmdn.dll - (1525 downloads)
msgnews.dll - (1501 downloads)
msgprox.dll - SQL Server Proxy Message Datasource Provider (1528 downloads)
msgrapp.dll - ÐбÑабоÑÑик пÑоÑокола MSN Messenger (1753 downloads)
msgrchkr.dll - Checkers for MSN Messenger (1600 downloads)
msgres32.dll - Lernout & Hauspie Grammatik Engine (ES) (1425 downloads)
msgrfr32.dll - Lernout & Hauspie Grammatik Engine (FR) (1575 downloads)
msgrocm.dll - Windows Messenger OC Manager PlugIn (1667 downloads)
msgrru32.dll - Informatic Grammar DLL (1563 downloads)
msgsc.dll - Messenger Service (1521 downloads)
msgslang.dll - Messenger Language Specific Resources--English (1427 downloads)
msgsmime.dll - (1566 downloads)
msgstrpc.dll - HPC Inbox Remote Database (1473 downloads)
msgsvc(3).dll - NT Messenger Service (1465 downloads)
msgsvc.dll - NT Messenger Service (1565 downloads)
msgsys.dll - CBA -- Message System Library (1512 downloads)
msgtest.dll - IMA Message Test (1414 downloads)
msgvacm.dll - Microsoft GameVoice ACM Provider (1435 downloads)
msgvip.dll - Microsoft GameVoice IP Transport (1513 downloads)
msgvtran.dll - Microsoft GameVoice Transport (1574 downloads)
msgvve.dll - Microsoft GameVoice Voice Engine (1554 downloads)
msgvvox.dll - Microsoft GameVoice Voxware Provider (1544 downloads)
msh_zwf.dll - IntelliPoint Wheel Features DLL (1459 downloads)
mshcmd.dll - Microsoft IntelliType Pro (1592 downloads)
mshlocal.dll - Microsoft Input Device localization tools (1471 downloads)
mshtml(2).dll - Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer (1459 downloads)
mshtml.dll - Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer (2527 downloads)
mshtmled.dll - Composant d'édition HTML Microsoft (R) (1658 downloads)
mshtmler.dll - DLL de ressource du composant d'édition HTML Microsoft(R) (1601 downloads)
mshtmlmedia.dll - Microsoft (R) HTML Media DLL (1303 downloads)
mshtmltb.dll - Microsoft (R) HTML Table Editor (1448 downloads)
mshtmpgd.dll - DHTMLPageDesigner (1498 downloads)
mshtmpgr.dll - DHTMLPageDesigner (1520 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1248826)
xinput1_3.dll (917320)
msvcr100.dll (790559)
msvcp100.dll (747617)
vcruntime140.dll (718852)
msvcp140.dll (592474)
msvcr110.dll (572787)
msvcp120.dll (382902)
msvcr120.dll (378443)
msvcp110.dll (287308)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249203)
amtlib.dll (236362)
d3dx9_39.dll (221218)
binkw32.dll (197962)
unarc.dll (186814)
steam_api.dll (183914)
d3dx9_30.dll (179021)
KERNEL32.dll (175779)
lame_enc.dll (152820)
ISDone.dll (151784)