can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
palette.dll - Microsoft(R) Visual C++ Palette Support Component (1444 downloads)
palm41.dll - Backward Compatibility Module (1650 downloads)
palmcmn.dll - Palm Shared Library (1514 downloads)
palmdevc.dll - Palm OS Handheld Devices USB Class Installer (1393 downloads)
palminst.dll - Fugawi Palm Installation Extensions (1429 downloads)
palmsync.dll - (1514 downloads)
palmusb1.dll - MCCI® InstallRight(tm) (1494 downloads)
palmusb2.dll - MCCI® InstallRight(tm) (1397 downloads)
palmutil.dll - palmutil DLL (1399 downloads)
pan.dll - (1526 downloads)
panapeg1.dll - Panapeg1 (1451 downloads)
panapeg2.dll - Panapeg2 (1574 downloads)
panels3.dll - (1436 downloads)
panfx.dll - (1500 downloads)
pango-arabic-fc.dll - (1496 downloads)
pango-basic-fc.dll - (1531 downloads)
pango-basic-win32.dll - (1387 downloads)
pango-hangul-fc.dll - (1477 downloads)
pango-hebrew-fc.dll - (1366 downloads)
pango-indic-fc.dll - (1470 downloads)
pango-thai-fc.dll - (1387 downloads)
panmap.dll - PANOSE(tm) Font Mapper (1421 downloads)
panson24.dll - Panasonic 24-pin Printer Driver (1480 downloads)
pantherutils.dll - Panther Utilities (1448 downloads)
paotauto.dll - AOT module (1481 downloads)
paotsemi.dll - AOT module (1420 downloads)
paperserver.dll - (1537 downloads)
paqsp.dll - PaqSP Module (1561 downloads)
paqup.dll - (1487 downloads)
para.dll - Adobe Audition Language Module (1468 downloads)
paradox.dll - (1606 downloads)
paragon.dll - ECENGINE DLL (1631 downloads)
param.dll - (1714 downloads)
paramblk2.dll - Scripter utility (core plugin) (1384 downloads)
parityscan.dll - (1426 downloads)
parseAuto.dll - (1238 downloads)
parsedvd.dll - (1285 downloads)
parser.dll - (1542 downloads)
parserates_hex.dll - (1495 downloads)
parserates_im.dll - (1432 downloads)
parserates_intindex.dll - (1383 downloads)
parserates_warrants.dll - (1450 downloads)
parsifal.dll - (1233 downloads)
particle.dll - (1442 downloads)
particleman.dll - (1380 downloads)
particlesystems.dll - (1495 downloads)
partnum.dll - (1448 downloads)
passfilt.dll - Password Change Filter DLL (1531 downloads)
passport.dll - Passport signin COM component (1526 downloads)
passprov.dll - AC Event Passive Provider (1509 downloads)
passprovex.dll - AC Event Passive Provider (1423 downloads)
passprovps.dll - AC Event Passive Provider Proxy/Stub Dll (1440 downloads)
passwordui.dll - passwordUI Module (1399 downloads)
passworduires.dll - passwordUI Resource DLL (1554 downloads)
pathan.dll - (1543 downloads)
pathfinder.dll - Pathfinder Module (1416 downloads)
paul.dll - SecuROM PA Unlock DLL (2881 downloads)
pautoenr.dll - DLL Inscription automatique (1595 downloads)
paymentcollection.dll - (1459 downloads)
paymentech.dll - (1520 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1248826)
xinput1_3.dll (917320)
msvcr100.dll (790559)
msvcp100.dll (747617)
vcruntime140.dll (718852)
msvcp140.dll (592474)
msvcr110.dll (572784)
msvcp120.dll (382902)
msvcr120.dll (378443)
msvcp110.dll (287308)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249203)
amtlib.dll (236362)
d3dx9_39.dll (221218)
binkw32.dll (197962)
unarc.dll (186814)
steam_api.dll (183914)
d3dx9_30.dll (179021)
KERNEL32.dll (175779)
lame_enc.dll (152820)
ISDone.dll (151784)