can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
raprinterui.dll - RemotelyAnywhere Printer Driver User Interface (1464 downloads)
raprinteruint.dll - RemotelyAnywhere Printer Driver User Interface (1595 downloads)
raproc.dll - RemotelyAnywhere Print Processor (1602 downloads)
raprocnt.dll - RemotelyAnywhere Print Processor (1548 downloads)
raptorddc.dll - DVRaptor Digital Device Control DLL for AVID (1598 downloads)
rar.dll - Rar Plugin for 7-Zip (5458 downloads)
rar20.dll - Rar20 Decoder (1609 downloads)
rare3260.dll - RealAudio Renderer plugin for RealMedia® (1466 downloads)
rarlng.dll - (1619 downloads)
rasadhlp.dll - Remote Access AutoDial Helper (1656 downloads)
rasadmin.dll - Remote Access Admin Support Package (1610 downloads)
rasauto.dll - Remote Access AutoDial Manager (1565 downloads)
rascalls.dll - RASCALLS (1397 downloads)
rascauth.dll - Remote Access Client Side Authentication Package (1525 downloads)
rascbcp.dll - Remote Access PPP Callback Control Protocol (1451 downloads)
rasccp.dll - Remote Access PPP Compression Control Protocol (1517 downloads)
rascfg.dll - Remote Access Setup config dialogs (1511 downloads)
raschap.dll - Remote Access PPP CHAP (1407 downloads)
raschapext.dll - Windows Extension library for raschap (1306 downloads)
rasctrs.dll - DLL de compteur de performances d'accès distant Windows NT (1497 downloads)
rascustom.dll - Custom Protocol Engine (1352 downloads)
rasdiag.dll - RAS Diagnostics Helper Classes (1305 downloads)
rasdlg.dll - API de dialogues communs pour les accès distants (1610 downloads)
rasfil32.dll - Remote Access Configuration File Management Library (1466 downloads)
rasgcw.dll - RAS Wizard Pages (1323 downloads)
rasgprxy.dll - Remote Access Server Netbios Gateway Proxy (1441 downloads)
rasgtwy.dll - Remote Access Server Netbios Gateway (1355 downloads)
rasipcp.dll - Remote Access PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol (1404 downloads)
rasiphlp.dll - Remote Access IP Configuration Helper (1338 downloads)
rasipxcp.dll - Remote Access PPP Internetwork Packet Exchange Protocol (IPXCP) (1346 downloads)
rasman.dll - Remote Access Connection Manager (2014 downloads)
rasmans.dll - Remote Access Connection Manager (1456 downloads)
rasmbmgr.dll - Provides support for the switching of mobility enabled VPN connections if their underlying interface goes down. (1309 downloads)
rasmontr.dll - DLL Moniteur RAS (1520 downloads)
rasmsg.dll - Remote Access Service Messages DLL (1423 downloads)
rasmxs.dll - Remote Access Device DLL for modems, PADs and switches (1420 downloads)
rasnbfcp.dll - Remote Access Nbf Control Protocol (1523 downloads)
rasnbipc.dll - Remote Access Server NbfCp Interface (1343 downloads)
raspap.dll - Remote Access PPP Password Authentication Protocol (1522 downloads)
rasplap.dll - RAS PLAP Credential Provider (1371 downloads)
rasppp.dll - Remote Access PPP (1452 downloads)
raspppen.dll - Remote Access PPP Engine (1535 downloads)
raspppoe.dll - PPP over Ethernet Protocol Notify Object (1668 downloads)
raspptpc.dll - RAS PPTP Configuration Dll (1419 downloads)
raspptpl.dll - RAS PPTP Message DLL (1482 downloads)
rasqec.dll - RAS Quarantine Enforcement Client (1215 downloads)
rasrad.dll - Remote Access Service NT RADIUS client module (1478 downloads)
rassapi.dll - Remote Access Admin APIs dll (1628 downloads)
rassauth.dll - Remote Access Server Side Authentication Package (1424 downloads)
rasscrpt.dll - Dial-Up Scripting (1414 downloads)
rasser.dll - Remote Access Media DLL for COM ports (1546 downloads)
rassfm.dll - Remote Access Subauthentication dll (1410 downloads)
rasshell.dll - Dial-Up Networking Shell Extension (1399 downloads)
rasspap.dll - Remote Access PPP Shiva Password Authentication Protocol (1365 downloads)
rastapi.dll - Remote Access TAPI Compliance Layer (1487 downloads)
raster8res.dll - Heidi® Raster Printer Driver Resource DLL (1471 downloads)
rasthunk.dll - RasThunk DLL (1375 downloads)
rastls.dll - Accès distant PPP EAP-TLS (1384 downloads)
rastlsext.dll - Windows Extension library for rastls (1327 downloads)
rasuser.dll - Dial-in User Management Snapin (1553 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1248826)
xinput1_3.dll (917320)
msvcr100.dll (790559)
msvcp100.dll (747617)
vcruntime140.dll (718852)
msvcp140.dll (592474)
msvcr110.dll (572787)
msvcp120.dll (382902)
msvcr120.dll (378443)
msvcp110.dll (287308)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249203)
amtlib.dll (236362)
d3dx9_39.dll (221218)
binkw32.dll (197962)
unarc.dll (186814)
steam_api.dll (183914)
d3dx9_30.dll (179021)
KERNEL32.dll (175779)
lame_enc.dll (152820)
ISDone.dll (151784)