List of free DLL files - - page 32

All Dll files to download can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

ISpriteController.dll - IGFX Sprite Controller (1555 downloads)

ISymWrapper.dll - Microsoft .NET Runtime Managed Symbol Wrappers (1530 downloads)

ITabList.dll - IGFX Tab List Handler (1592 downloads)

ITextBox.dll - IGFX Text Box Handler (1508 downloads)

ITextBox2.dll - IGFX Text Box Handler - Non RichEdit (1614 downloads)

ITextObject.dll - IGFX Text Object Handler (1500 downloads)

IUser7.dll - InstallShield (R) User DLL (1628 downloads)

IUser8.dll - InstallShield (R) User DLL (1591 downloads)

IUserCnv.dll - InstallShield (R) User DLL (1435 downloads)

IWebObject.dll - IGFX Web Object Handler (1506 downloads)

Iacenc.dll - Indeo® audio software (1593 downloads)

IasMigPlugin.dll - NPS Migration DLL (1432 downloads)

IcCoinstall.dll - Hyper-V Integration Components Coinstaller (1298 downloads)

IcCoinstall2.dll - Hyper-V Integration Components Coinstaller (1250 downloads)

IconCodecService.dll - Converts a PNG part of the icon to a legacy bmp icon (1468 downloads)

Iconlib.dll - Icon Library (1617 downloads)

IdCtrls.dll - Identity Controls (1432 downloads)

IdListen.dll - Identity Listener (1434 downloads)

ImBrowse.dll - IncrediBrowser DLL (1486 downloads)

ImDbU.dll - IncrediDB DLL (1419 downloads)

ImLookU.dll - IncrediLook DLL (1408 downloads)

ImNtUtilU.dll - IncrediNetUtils DLL (1329 downloads)

ImSCCfg.dll - Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012 (1328 downloads)

ImSCCore.dll - Microsoft Pinyin IME Core (1286 downloads)

ImUtils.dll - IncrediUtils DLL (1707 downloads)

ImUtilsU.dll - IncrediUtils DLL (3097 downloads)

ImWrappU.dll - IncrediWrapper DLL (1295 downloads)

ImagXpr6.dll - ImagXpr6 Module (1902 downloads)

Image2PDF.dll - Image2PDF (1342 downloads)

ImageModule.dll - (1296 downloads)

ImageReadyRes.dll - (1536 downloads)

ImageSupport.dll - Image Support (1576 downloads)

Images.dll - Module lecture d'images (1772 downloads)

ImagingProvider.dll - DISM Generic Imaging Provider (1279 downloads)

ImeBrokerps.dll - Microsoft IME 2012 (1279 downloads)

Iml32.dll - IML (2372 downloads)

Impactor.dll - C library for writing portable USB drivers in userspace (1355 downloads)

ImplatSetup.dll - NdisImPlatform Network Setup Plugin (1392 downloads)

Implode.dll - (1839 downloads)

IncludeApp.dll - (1695 downloads)

Inetwh32.dll - INETWH32 (1441 downloads)

Inject.dll - Garena Inject (1403 downloads)

InkAnalysis.dll - InkAnalysis DLL (1380 downloads)

InkAnalysisLegacyCom.dll - InkAnalysisLegacyCom DLL (1369 downloads)

InkEd.dll - Microsoft Tablet PC Platform Component (1677 downloads)

InkObj.dll - Microsoft Tablet PC Platform Component (1780 downloads)

InkObjCore.dll - Microsoft Tablet PC Ink Platform Component (1370 downloads)

InprocLogger.dll - In-proc Private Event Trace Logger (1424 downloads)

InputInjectionBroker.dll - Broker for WinRT input injection. (1386 downloads)

InputLocaleManager.dll - "InputLocaleManager.DYNLINK" (1403 downloads)

InputService.dll - Microsoft Text InputService Dll (1546 downloads)

InputSwitch.dll - Sélecteur de saisie Microsoft Windows (1408 downloads)

InsDrvZD.dll - InsDrvZD DLL (1596 downloads)

InsDrvZD64.dll - InsDrvZD DLL (1537 downloads)

InsWanAtw.dll - AOL ACS WanAtw Installer (1480 downloads)

InstHelper.dll - Installer mini-helper (1565 downloads)

InstallEventRes.dll - InstallUX event manifest resources (1275 downloads)

InstallUtilLib.dll - InstallUtilLib.lib (1960 downloads)

IntelLaptopGaming.dll - (3502 downloads)

IntelNic.dll - Intel(R) Network Interface Card CoInstaller (1657 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1248532)
xinput1_3.dll (917118)
msvcr100.dll (790271)
msvcp100.dll (747251)
vcruntime140.dll (718636)
msvcp140.dll (592431)
msvcr110.dll (572619)
msvcp120.dll (382875)
msvcr120.dll (378401)
msvcp110.dll (287253)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249118)
amtlib.dll (236352)
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binkw32.dll (197885)
unarc.dll (186139)
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d3dx9_30.dll (178859)
KERNEL32.dll (175760)
lame_enc.dll (152790)
ISDone.dll (151381) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012