List of free DLL files - - page 323

All Dll files to download can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

s32luhf1.dll - LiveUpdate (1515 downloads)

s32luhm1.dll - LiveUpdate (1570 downloads)

s32luuz1.dll - LiveUpdate (1588 downloads)

s32rap8.dll - Symantec Kernel API Library (1489 downloads)

s32rasu.dll - RAS and Internet Utility Library (1575 downloads)

s3_4.dll - DIB Engine based S3 driver. (1673 downloads)

s3_6.dll - DIB Engine based S3 driver. (1568 downloads)

s3_8m.dll - DIB Engine based S3 driver. (1530 downloads)

s3cfg3d.dll - S3Config3D Utility (64-bit) (1520 downloads)

s3chromo.dll - S3Chromo Utility (1660 downloads)

s3disply.dll - S3 multi-chip display switch utility (64-bit) (1533 downloads)

s3dtoyhk.dll - S3DeskToys (64-bit) (1577 downloads)

s3duovue.dll - S3DuoVue (1485 downloads)

s3gamma2.dll - S3Gamma Plus (64-bit) (1443 downloads)

s3gicd.dll - S3 Savage3D Installable Client Driver. (1592 downloads)

s3gnb.dll - S3 ProSavage(DDR) & Twister Display Driver (1623 downloads)

s3gogl.dll - S3 Graphics OpenGL Installable Client Driver. (1645 downloads)

s3gogl32.dll - S3 Graphics OpenGL Installable Client Driver. (1496 downloads)

s3hav.dll - DIB Engine based S3 driver. (1608 downloads)

s3info2.dll - S3 Graphics Display Adapter Information Utility (1520 downloads)

s3iset32.dll - s3iset32 (1807 downloads)

s3iset64.dll - S3minset/S3iset64 (1624 downloads)

s3lc2x.dll - DIB Engine based S3 driver. (1686 downloads)

s3legacy.dll - S3 Display Driver (1527 downloads)

s3m65.dll - DIB Engine based S3 driver. (1583 downloads)

s3micd.dll - S3 Savage4 Installable Client Driver. (1574 downloads)

s3mm.dll - DIB Engine based S3 driver. (1619 downloads)

s3mt3d.dll - S3 Trio3D Display Driver (1524 downloads)

s3mtrio.dll - S3 Trio Display Driver (1542 downloads)

s3mvirge.dll - S3 ViRGE Display Driver (1563 downloads)

s3nb.dll - S3 ProSavage & Twister Display Driver (1652 downloads)

s3ovrlay.dll - S3ColorPus/S3Overlay Utility (1466 downloads)

s3power.dll - S3 multi-chip config and power utility (64-bit) (1581 downloads)

s3rflock.dll - s3reflock (64-bit) (1590 downloads)

s3sav3d.dll - S3 Savage3D Display Driver (1512 downloads)

s3sav4.dll - S3 Savage4 Display Driver (1561 downloads)

s3savmx.dll - S3 Savage/MX, Savage/IX Display Driver (1539 downloads)

s3v.dll - DIB Engine based S3 driver. (1655 downloads)

s3vid.dll - DIB Engine based S3 driver. (1661 downloads)

sa.dll - SA Module (1670 downloads)

saPlugin.dll - McAfee WebAdvisor (1239 downloads)

saaudit2005mt.dll - saAudit Dynamic Link Library (2207 downloads)

sablot.dll - (1634 downloads)

sacommoncontrols.dll - Crystal Analysis Common Controls (1785 downloads)

sacoremsg.dll - Microsoft Server Appliance Core Web Framework (1549 downloads)

sacsvr.dll - Microsoft EMS SAC Service (1613 downloads)

sadrvor.dll - XPS Rasterization Filter (1194 downloads)

sadrvpj.dll - XPS Pjl Feature Filter (1191 downloads)

sadrvsc.dll - Color Management System (1181 downloads)

sadrvzd.dll - Interface Filter (1192 downloads)

saeroatmcoesa.dll - (1427 downloads)

saeroatmos.dll - (1607 downloads)

saerogravity.dll - (1537 downloads)

saerogravity2.dll - (1490 downloads)

saeropalt.dll - (1504 downloads)

safecast2.dll - SafeCast2 (1531 downloads)

safedisc.dll - (1523 downloads)

safireu.dll - SaFireU (1774 downloads)

safrcdlg.dll - Contrôles Fichier/Ouvrir et Enregistrer de l'assistance à distance Microsoft PCHealth (1469 downloads)

safrdm.dll - Gestionnaire du bureau du centre d'Aide Microsoft (1506 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1248826)
xinput1_3.dll (917320)
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msvcp100.dll (747617)
vcruntime140.dll (718852)
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msvcr110.dll (572784)
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msvcr120.dll (378443)
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ISDone.dll (151784) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012