List of free DLL files - - page 353

All Dll files to download can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

sstrmit.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Italian Resources (1525 downloads)

sstrmja.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Japanese Resources (1498 downloads)

sstrmko.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Korean Resources (1392 downloads)

sstrmnl.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Dutch Resources (1435 downloads)

sstrmno.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Norwegian Resources (1390 downloads)

sstrmpl.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Polish Resources (1479 downloads)

sstrmpt.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Portuguese Resources (1409 downloads)

sstrmptb.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Portuguese Brazilian Resources (1451 downloads)

sstrmres.dll - NVIDIA nForce(TM) Control Panel Non-Localized Resources (1365 downloads)

sstrmru.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Russian Resources (1467 downloads)

sstrmsk.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Slovak Resources (1423 downloads)

sstrmsl.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Slovenian Resources (1425 downloads)

sstrmsv.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Swedish Resources (1546 downloads)

sstrmth.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Thai Resources (1526 downloads)

sstrmtr.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Turkish Resources (1480 downloads)

sstrmzhc.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Chinese Simplified Resources (1514 downloads)

sstrmzht.dll - NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Chinese Traditional Resources (1476 downloads)

sstub.dll - SStub Module (1487 downloads)

ssubtmr6.dll - Subclassing and Timer Assistant, modified for configurable message response, multi control support and bug fixed for timer errors. (1665 downloads)

ssus.dll - Microsoft SourceSafe Resource DLL (1406 downloads)

ssus16.dll - Microsoft SourceSafe Resource DLL (1429 downloads)

ssvb.dll - Microsoft SourceSafe VB Add-In (1507 downloads)

ssynth.dll - (1416 downloads)

st24cres.dll - Star 24-pin printer driver (1259 downloads)

stabilitylib.dll - StabilityLib DLL (1400 downloads)

stadev32.dll - (1501 downloads)

stadgen.dll - (1421 downloads)

staggerfapi.dll - TRADOS S-Tagger for FrameMaker API (1479 downloads)

staggerfkernel.dll - TRADOS S-Tagger for FrameMaker (1429 downloads)

staggeriapi.dll - TRADOS S-Tagger for Interleaf API (1414 downloads)

staggerikernel.dll - TRADOS S-Tagger for Interleaf (1364 downloads)

stardds.dll - StarDDS - Starfighter ActiveX control containing DaVinci Drawing Surface (1427 downloads)

starhook.dll - (1391 downloads)

starter.dll - (1400 downloads)

startoc.dll - Starter Edition Optional Component (1412 downloads)

startup1.dll - Resource DLL (1516 downloads)

startup13.dll - Resource DLL (1459 downloads)

startup14.dll - Resource DLL (1525 downloads)

startup15.dll - Resource DLL (1456 downloads)

startup16.dll - Resource DLL (1455 downloads)

startup17.dll - Resource DLL (1425 downloads)

startup2.dll - Resource DLL (1413 downloads)

startup23.dll - Resource DLL (1513 downloads)

startup3.dll - Resource DLL (1464 downloads)

startup4.dll - Resource DLL (1409 downloads)

startup5.dll - Resource DLL (1538 downloads)

startup6.dll - Resource DLL (1399 downloads)

startup7.dll - Resource DLL (1570 downloads)

statbar.dll - Microsoft(R) Visual C++ Status Bar Component (1440 downloads)

statespacefilter.dll - (1362 downloads)

statistical.dll - Function Library (1468 downloads)

statrn32.dll - Stat/Transfer DLL (1628 downloads)

stats.dll - Adobe Audition Language Module (2703 downloads)

statsizechk.dll - (1503 downloads)

statsme_mm.dll - (1388 downloads)

statsshim.dll - (1436 downloads)

status.dll - BitDefender Status (1521 downloads)

status_object.dll - status_object Module (1432 downloads)

staxmem.dll - Microsoft Exchange Server Memory Management DLL (1535 downloads)

stbv128d.dll - Velocity 128 Direct Draw Driver, Version 0.7194 (1464 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1248820)
xinput1_3.dll (917318)
msvcr100.dll (790558)
msvcp100.dll (747617)
vcruntime140.dll (718852)
msvcp140.dll (592474)
msvcr110.dll (572784)
msvcp120.dll (382902)
msvcr120.dll (378439)
msvcp110.dll (287308)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249200)
amtlib.dll (236362)
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KERNEL32.dll (175779)
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ISDone.dll (151784) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012