can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
tipp11.dll - IcongröÃe ändern (1429 downloads)
tipp110.dll - Maus: Mehr Toleranz beim Doppelklick (1467 downloads)
tipp111.dll - Aktenkoffer Look (1406 downloads)
tipp112.dll - Outlook Express Splash Screen (1529 downloads)
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tipp114.dll - SPX-Connections (1437 downloads)
tipp115.dll - Zugriff auf CD-ROMs und Disketten (1451 downloads)
tipp116.dll - Logon-Screen (1435 downloads)
tipp117.dll - Beenden von Tasks (1425 downloads)
tipp118.dll - Verhalten nach einem Absturz (1384 downloads)
tipp119.dll - Kernel-Mode-Programmcode auslagern (1520 downloads)
tipp12.dll - Desktop Konfiguration sichern (1563 downloads)
tipp120.dll - Probleme bei der Neuinstallation des Intranetware-Clients (1450 downloads)
tipp121.dll - OEM Informationen (1421 downloads)
tipp122.dll - Programm zur Erstellung der Notfalldiskette (1543 downloads)
tipp123.dll - HD blinken ausstellen (1416 downloads)
tipp124.dll - Eigener AdreÃraum für den Explorer (1461 downloads)
tipp125.dll - Start-Menü: Ordnung erzwingen (1502 downloads)
tipp126.dll - Online-Updates (1451 downloads)
tipp127.dll - Icon-Cache (1392 downloads)
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tipp129.dll - Taskbar (1535 downloads)
tipp13.dll - Menü -Geschwindigkeit (1488 downloads)
tipp130.dll - DOS (1490 downloads)
tipp131.dll - Default Browser (1491 downloads)
tipp132.dll - Hintergrundbild auf BildschirmgröÃe zoomen (1509 downloads)
tipp133.dll - In Dateien umgeleitete Ausdrucke komfortabel drucken (1537 downloads)
tipp134.dll - Netzwerkmonitor (1494 downloads)
tipp135.dll - Backup (1485 downloads)
tipp136.dll - Probleme beim installieren von Schriftarten (1489 downloads)
tipp137.dll - Entfernen des Eintrags "Benutzer X abmelden" im Startmenü (1470 downloads)
tipp138.dll - Registry optimieren und defragmentieren (1519 downloads)
tipp139.dll - Kennwort (1499 downloads)
tipp14.dll - Desktop Netzwerk-Symbol (1382 downloads)
tipp140.dll - AutoRUN Manager (1532 downloads)
tipp141.dll - Favoriten aus dem Startmenü verbannen (1498 downloads)
tipp142.dll - Bitmap-Symbol in Ordnern und im Explorer (1371 downloads)
tipp143.dll - Nach dem Start von Windows sind alle Icons schwarz (1469 downloads)
tipp144.dll - IEx-PaÃwort (1490 downloads)
tipp145.dll - Links- oder Rechtsbündige Menüs (1425 downloads)
tipp146.dll - Cursor: Schneller blinken oder abschalten (1494 downloads)
tipp147.dll - Internet-Zugriff optimieren (1516 downloads)
tipp148.dll - Startmenü (1390 downloads)
tipp149.dll - Erweiterungen LNK und PIF (1469 downloads)
tipp15.dll - Papierkorb (1370 downloads)
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tipp155.dll - Master-Boot-Record neu aufbauen (1516 downloads)
tipp156.dll - MS HEARTS: Den Mitspielern in die Karten schauen (1429 downloads)
tipp157.dll - Anwendungen sperren (1445 downloads)
tipp158.dll - RAM Speicher begrenzen (1373 downloads)
tipp159.dll - Dateimüll entfernen (1386 downloads)
tipp16.dll - MRU-Listen (1406 downloads)
tipp160.dll - Alle Festplatten auf einmal defragmentieren (1561 downloads)
tipp161.dll - Nukefix (1394 downloads)
tipp162.dll - Herunterfahren und Ausschalten (1547 downloads)
tipp163.dll - Windows System Ordner (1453 downloads)
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msvcr120.dll (378443)
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amtlib.dll (236362)
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binkw32.dll (197962)
unarc.dll (186814)
steam_api.dll (183914)
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lame_enc.dll (152820)
ISDone.dll (151784)