List of free DLL files - - page 4

All Dll files to download can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

ATIDEMGR.dll - Graphics DEM (1443 downloads)

ATI_D3D.dll - ATI Mach64 DirectDraw 3D HAL. (1665 downloads)

ATL.dll - ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode) (2037 downloads)

ATL71.dll - ATL Module for Windows (Unicode) (1994 downloads)

ATL90.dll - ATL Module for Windows (Unicode) (1730 downloads)

ATP.dll - Microsoft Office Web Components Advanced ToolPack (1635 downloads)

ATRACE.dll - Async Trace DLL (1559 downloads)

ATUpdatersHelper.dll - ATUpdaters Library (1313 downloads)

AUDIOKSE.dll - Audio Ks Endpoint (1488 downloads)

AUInstallAgent.dll - Windows All-User Install Agent (1305 downloads)

AUR.dll - (1550 downloads)

AUTHZ.dll - Authorization Framework (1619 downloads)

AUTHZAX.dll - Microsoft Office Authorization Control (1690 downloads)

AUTOSHAP.dll - Microsoft Clip Organizer Asset Version Proxy (1517 downloads)

AVFoundationCF.dll - AVFoundationCF (1576 downloads)

AVIFILE.dll - Bibliothèque d'assistance des fichiers AVI Microsoft (1642 downloads)

AVLF.dll - (1618 downloads)

AW.dll - Microsoft Office 9 component (1633 downloads)

AWEMAN32.dll - AWE32 Manager (1784 downloads)

AWKRNL32.dll - Kernel Extensions (1480 downloads)

AWLHUT32.dll - Microsoft At Work Linearizer Header Utilities (1504 downloads)

AWLZRD32.dll - LZ Codec (1430 downloads)

AWSCommonSymbols.dll - AWSCommonSymbols (1564 downloads)

AWSCommonUI.dll - AWSCommonUI (1536 downloads)

AWSSCL.dll - Adobe SCL (1536 downloads)

AXEParser.dll - Adobe XML Engine: Parser (1453 downloads)

AXSCPHST.dll - AxScriptHost70 - Active Scripting Host for SQL (1784 downloads)

Aavm4h.dll - avast! Asynchronous Virus Monitor (AAVM) (1380 downloads)

AavmRpch.dll - avast! AAVM Remote Procedure Call Library (1495 downloads)

AbbyyZlib.dll - ABBYY Zlib component (1400 downloads)

AboveLockAppHost.dll - AboveLockAppHost (1354 downloads)

Ac32BitAppServer.dll - (1617 downloads)

AcAdProc.dll - Windows Compatibility DLL (1313 downloads)

AcBrandRes.dll - AutoCAD component (3470 downloads)

AcDs.dll - AutoCAD component (1435 downloads)

AcLaunchNFWVertRes.dll - AutoCAD component (2215 downloads)

AcSetup.dll - AutoCAD component (1403 downloads)

AcSetupRes.dll - AutoCAD component (1646 downloads)

Accessibility.dll - (1516 downloads) - .NET Framework (1277 downloads)

AccessibleMarshal.dll - (1525 downloads)

AccountsRt.dll - Accounts RT utilities for mail, contacts, calendar (1411 downloads)

AcroIEHelper.dll - Adobe Acrobat IE Helper Version 6.0 for ActivieX (1580 downloads)

Acrobat.dll - Adobe Acrobat DC (3497 downloads)

Acrofx32.dll - Lotus Notes Field Exchange Module for Adobe Acrobat (1559 downloads)

AcsInstall.dll - AOL Connectivity Service Installer Helper (1504 downloads)

AcsInstallRes.dll - (1574 downloads)

AcsUninstallRes.dll - AOL ACS Uninstaller Resources (1454 downloads)

ActCntxt.dll - ACTIVATOR CONTEXT (1530 downloads)

ActPanel.dll - (1476 downloads)

Action.dll - (1686 downloads)

ActionCenter.dll - Action Center (1349 downloads)

ActionCenterCPL.dll - Action Center Control Panel (1316 downloads)

Activation64.dll - EA DRM Helper (4564 downloads)

ActivationClient.dll - Activation Client (1391 downloads)

ActivationManager.dll - Activation Manager (1562 downloads)

ActiveContentWizard.dll - Active Content Wizard (1262 downloads)

ActiveSyncCsp.dll - ActiveSync CSP DLL (1385 downloads)

ActiveSyncProvider.dll - The engine that syncs ActiveSync accounts (1418 downloads)

AdDLM.dll - Autodesk Download Manager (1612 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1242089)
xinput1_3.dll (911287)
msvcr100.dll (783493)
msvcp100.dll (739664)
vcruntime140.dll (717031)
msvcp140.dll (590398)
msvcr110.dll (569355)
msvcp120.dll (381753)
msvcr120.dll (377093)
msvcp110.dll (285972)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (247625)
amtlib.dll (235975)
d3dx9_39.dll (221004)
binkw32.dll (196787)
steam_api.dll (179914)
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unarc.dll (176797)
KERNEL32.dll (175043)
lame_enc.dll (152473)
mss32.dll (149816) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012