can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
wcdmi.dll - DMI 2.0 client front-end (1452 downloads)
wcesview.dll - Mobile Devices Shell Extension (1424 downloads)
wcimage.dll - Windows Container Image (1312 downloads)
wcl.dll - Windows Class Library (1344 downloads)
wclEtw.dll - Windows Class Library (1300 downloads)
wclPowrProf.dll - Windows Class Library (1289 downloads)
wclSqm.dll - Windows Class Library (1317 downloads)
wclUnicode.dll - Windows Class Library (1282 downloads)
wclWdi.dll - Windows Class Library (1306 downloads)
wcmapi.dll - Windows Connection Manager Client API (1329 downloads)
wcmcsp.dll - Windows Connection Service Provider DLL (1322 downloads)
wcmicons.dll - Total Commander icons for button bar (1488 downloads)
wcmsvc.dll - Windows Connection Manager Service DLL (1328 downloads)
wcmzip32.dll - (1453 downloads)
wcncsvc.dll - Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar Service (1298 downloads)
wcnwiz.dll - Windows Connect Now Wizards (1316 downloads)
wconapi.dll - (1472 downloads)
wcshost.dll - wcshost Module (1422 downloads)
wcspage.dll - wcsPage Module (1516 downloads)
wcsrwufo.dll - (1481 downloads)
wcstl.dll - wcsTL Module (1405 downloads)
wcswmi.dll - Kaspersky Anti-Virus WMI support (1461 downloads)
wd190hfo.dll - wd190hfo.dll (ODBC/HF/ODBC/HF) - Win32 (1221 downloads)
wdaciowdgcsm.dll - (1464 downloads)
wdapi1100.dll - wdapi 11.00 (2890 downloads)
wdc.dll - Performance Monitor (1334 downloads)
wdengine.dll - (1496 downloads)
wdfapi.dll - Microsoft Windows Media Component Removal File. (1487 downloads)
wdi.dll - Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure (1349 downloads)
wdiasqmmodule.dll - Adaptive SQM WDI Plugin (1206 downloads)
wdigest.dll - Microsoft Digest Access (1473 downloads)
wdm.dll - ATI Display Driver Component (1615 downloads)
wdmi2c.dll - (1449 downloads)
wdmi2cdll.dll - (1494 downloads)
wdminterface.dll - WDMInterface (1438 downloads)
wdmioctl.dll - (1394 downloads)
wdrvbro.dll - Salfeld Computer Security DLL (1209 downloads)
wdscore.dll - Panther Engine Module (2027 downloads)
wdsr0407.dll - (1488 downloads)
wdsutil.dll - OS Deployment Utilities (10187 downloads)
wdvsbc6.dll - (1372 downloads)
weachatr.dll - (1962 downloads)
weanetr.dll - (1721 downloads)
weanewsr.dll - (1623 downloads)
wearasr.dll - (1665 downloads)
web034.dll - Spanish language file (1549 downloads)
webaccessutils.dll - WebAccessUtils (1280 downloads)
webapplication1.dll - (1510 downloads)
webappprovider.dll - Visual Studio Web Application Copy (1376 downloads)
webappproviderui.dll - Visual Studio Web Application Copy UI (1407 downloads)
webbinfo.dll - WebBInfo DLL (1409 downloads)
webbrow.dll - webbrow DLL (1467 downloads)
webbrwsr.dll - (1502 downloads)
webcheck.dll - Contrôleur de site Web (1468 downloads)
webclnt.dll - Web DAV Service DLL (1461 downloads)
webclsps.dll - WebCluster Service Proxy/Stub Dll (1434 downloads)
webctl.dll - Web Control Host DLL (1390 downloads)
webdav.dll - (1484 downloads)
webdavres_en.dll - WebDAVRes.dll (1376 downloads)
webengine.dll - WebEngine DLL (1536 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1242089)
xinput1_3.dll (911287)
msvcr100.dll (783493)
msvcp100.dll (739664)
vcruntime140.dll (717031)
msvcp140.dll (590398)
msvcr110.dll (569355)
msvcp120.dll (381753)
msvcr120.dll (377093)
msvcp110.dll (285972)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (247625)
amtlib.dll (235975)
d3dx9_39.dll (221004)
binkw32.dll (196787)
steam_api.dll (179914)
d3dx9_30.dll (177479)
unarc.dll (176797)
KERNEL32.dll (175043)
lame_enc.dll (152473)
mss32.dll (149816)