List of free DLL files - - page 422

All Dll files to download can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

yule.dll - Microsoft Media Player Bonus Visualization - Yule Log (1553 downloads)

yuvdialog.dll - (1452 downloads)

yuvlib.dll - YUVLib (1342 downloads)

yvoiceui.dll - (1511 downloads)

ywcupl.dll - Webcam Upload Networking and Imaging (1513 downloads)

ywcvwr.dll - Yahoo! WebCam Viewer ActiveX Control (1455 downloads)

yzdock.dll - Windows system hook DLL for Y'z Dock (1533 downloads)

yzdocklet.dll - Docklet helper DLL for Y'z Dock (1504 downloads)

z.dll - Z Plugin for 7-Zip (1829 downloads)

z2net.dll - (1523 downloads)

z_setup.dll - Product specfic setup DLL (1571 downloads)

zbl32cv.dll - Zoner Bitmap,Vector,Media Library 32 (1511 downloads)

zcomemu5.dll - Zoner support library (1429 downloads)

zdatai51.dll - ZDATAI51.DLL (1513 downloads)

zedelite.dll - (1497 downloads)

zeeverm.dll - Zone Datafile (1531 downloads)

zenapp32.dll - ZENworks Application Management Library for Windows 32-bit (1481 downloads)

zenccs.dll - ZEN for Desktops NICI Support DLU (1552 downloads)

zenmouse.dll - Remote Management Agent Component (1457 downloads)

zenpol32.dll - ZenPol - ZENworks Library (1527 downloads)

zeroseek.dll - (1504 downloads)

zerox_as.dll - ZeroX_SC DLL (1455 downloads)

zerox_sc.dll - ZeroX_SC DLL (1447 downloads)

zfCustomization.dll - (1172 downloads)

zficons.dll - (1529 downloads)

zgdragdrop.dll - Drag and drop dll (1536 downloads)

zgmprxy.dll - Internal file used by the Internet Games (1212 downloads)

zgres.dll - (1581 downloads)

zgtips.dll - (1472 downloads)

zilmar_audio.dll - (1592 downloads)

zinclude40.dll - ZInclude40ResCZ (1515 downloads)

zinclude50.dll - ZInclude50 DLL (1520 downloads)

zinclude6.dll - (1508 downloads)

zip.dll - (2437 downloads)

zip32.dll - Info-ZIP's Zip dll (2385 downloads)

zip_g.dll - (1492 downloads)

zipcontainer.dll - Zip Container DLL (1329 downloads)

zipf3260.dll - RealOne Player Uncompression Component (1480 downloads)

zipfldr.dll - Dossiers compressés (1680 downloads)

zipvcph.dll - (1463 downloads)

zislib16.dll - (1528 downloads)

zislib32.dll - (1515 downloads)

ziswinr.dll - (1449 downloads)

zkemkeeper.dll - ActiveX Control for ZK Embedded Fingerprint T&A System (4547 downloads)

zlang.dll - Zlang (1496 downloads)

zlc_api.dll - SpeedScreen API Support DLL (1516 downloads)

zlc_font.dll - SpeedScreen Font Support DLL (1493 downloads)

zlc_sup.dll - SpeedScreen Support DLL (1469 downloads)

zlib.dll - zlib data compression library (15920 downloads) - ZLIB.NET (1186 downloads)

zlib1.dll - zlib data compression library (22698 downloads)

zlib122.dll - (1297 downloads)

zlib40.dll - (1471 downloads)

zlibdll.dll - GZip compression library (1547 downloads)

zlibpack5.dll - Zoner support library (1410 downloads)

zlibr.dll - ZLib Data Compression Library (1508 downloads)

zlibwapi.dll - zlib data compression library (11716 downloads)

zmecore5.dll - (1486 downloads)

zmeuninst.dll - (1344 downloads)

zmf5.dll - Zoner Draw 5 (1381 downloads)

Top DLL Download

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D3DCompiler_43.dll (243306)
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msvcr71.dll (138839) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012