Most downloaded DLL files - - page 133

Most downloaded DLL files can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

lcore3.dll - (1564 downloads)

actc.dll - AcTc DLL (1564 downloads)

dbvffmt.dll - ObjectVideo File Format Plug-in for RealPlayer (1564 downloads)

lmprint.dll - PdpPriNT (1564 downloads)

ttcp.dll - TCP/IP Transport (1564 downloads)

epg569mi.dll - (1564 downloads)

gspndll.dll - (1564 downloads)

acmpolygoncom.dll - MPolygonCOM Module (1564 downloads)

noise.dll - Adobe Audition Language Module (1564 downloads)

tb2tools.dll - TB2TOOLS DLL (1564 downloads)

mspshell.dll - MS PropShell Control (1564 downloads)

xerces-c_1_4.dll - Shared Library for Xerces-C Version 1.4.0 (1564 downloads)

xeroxdcs.dll - PCL5e printer driver (1564 downloads)

talklg32.dll - TalkLang (1564 downloads)

enforcerms.dll - ENFORCERMS DLL (1564 downloads)

aseffect.dll - (1564 downloads)

webengine.dll - WebEngine DLL (1564 downloads)

metal_ss.dll - Windows Shell Style Resource Dll (1564 downloads)

ctaudfx.dll - Creative SB FX Plug-in (1564 downloads)

acdcutilsres.dll - dcUtilsRes Resource DLL (1564 downloads)

swds.dll - (1564 downloads)

axim5invoke.dll - AXIM5Invoke (1564 downloads)

v128sys.dll - Velocity 128 Resource Manager, Version 0.7194 (1564 downloads)

mobsync.dll - Gestionnaire de synchronisation Microsoft (1564 downloads)

WaveletReader.dll - Viewpoint Media Player Wavelet Reader Component (1564 downloads)

crlui91.dll - Common User Interface Library (1564 downloads)

appmema.dll - Extensible Counter DLL Sample (1564 downloads)

nctvideoview.dll - NCTVideoView ActiveX DLL (1564 downloads)

SQLSWA.dll - SQL Setup Unicode/Ansi Functions (1564 downloads)

frgsyn.dll - Sound Forge Synthesis Plug-In (1564 downloads)

aphandler.dll - TODO: (1564 downloads)

controt.dll - MSWC Content Rotator (1564 downloads)

QTMovieWin.dll - QTMovieWin.dll (1564 downloads)

hdf5infoc.dll - (1564 downloads)

genudf.dll - Nero Library (1564 downloads)

kbdcz.dll - Czech Keyboard Layout (1564 downloads)

ansifloatlbr.dll - Xing MPEG Audio Decoder AnsiFloatLbr (1564 downloads)

qlatticecapcfilter.dll - (1564 downloads)

navapgui.dll - (1564 downloads)

halwyse7.dll - Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL (1564 downloads)

changelangmsg.dll - Microsoft Server Appliance Changle Language Component (1564 downloads)

mwin.dll - (1564 downloads)

crlfx3d110.dll - 3D Bitmap Effects (1564 downloads)

vnophones.dll - (1564 downloads)

scap.dll - SCap DLL (1564 downloads)

game_mp_x86.dll - (1564 downloads)

agmsvr.dll - (1564 downloads)

olecli32.dll - Bibliothèque client OLE (1564 downloads)

cltscen.dll - VS Setup Client Scenario (1564 downloads)

apperr.dll - Autodesk Hardcopy Error-Handler DLL (1564 downloads)

doadvpcl812.dll - (1564 downloads)

u32hook.dll - (1563 downloads)

hdchapi.dll - Seagate Open OLAP (1563 downloads)

chipenu.dll - Chipset Installation Utility (1563 downloads)

aceatteditres.dll - Enhanced Attribute Editor Resources (1563 downloads)

avgemsui.dll - AVG Settings Library for EMS (1563 downloads)

audiohle__.dll - (1563 downloads)

DasmX86dll.dll - (1563 downloads)

msmtpsnp.dll - DLL du SnapIn MMC de SMTP (1563 downloads)

navlwapi.dll - (1563 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1246202)
xinput1_3.dll (914949)
msvcr100.dll (788266)
msvcp100.dll (745049)
vcruntime140.dll (717895)
msvcp140.dll (591734)
msvcr110.dll (571298)
msvcp120.dll (382477)
msvcr120.dll (377885)
msvcp110.dll (286802)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (248702)
amtlib.dll (236266)
d3dx9_39.dll (221138)
binkw32.dll (197524)
unarc.dll (183112)
steam_api.dll (182264)
d3dx9_30.dll (178322)
KERNEL32.dll (175556)
lame_enc.dll (152681)
mss32.dll (150374) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012