Most downloaded DLL files - - page 140

Most downloaded DLL files can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

wmapint.dll - WM Event Notify Service Interface (1581 downloads)

hdf5writec.dll - (1581 downloads)

php_dba.dll - (1581 downloads)

cnmur.dll - MP Printer Driver Localizable Resource (1581 downloads)

msthro32.dll - MorphoLogic Thesaurus DLL (1581 downloads)

obrb040d.dll - Service Pack 2 OOB Messages (1581 downloads)

msmom.dll - msmom (1581 downloads)

mso97rt.dll - Microsoft Office (1581 downloads)

avizlib.dll - (1581 downloads)

msxml3r.dll - XML Resources (1581 downloads)

tablereset.dll - (1581 downloads)

imjpcic.dll - Microsoft IME (1581 downloads)

tipp173.dll - Suchmaschine einstellen (1581 downloads)

deltapnl.dll - M-Audio Delta Control Panel Interface (1580 downloads)

viahm.dll - (1580 downloads)

wm95csp.dll - (1580 downloads)

StarBurn.dll - StarBurn CD/DVD/Blu-Ray/HD-DVD Burning, Grabbing and Mastering Toolkit for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Longhorn (1580 downloads)

defdi.dll - Def's Direct Input (1580 downloads)

gsidi32.dll - (1580 downloads)

dpugui11.dll - dpuGUI11 (1580 downloads)

snddrv.dll - (1580 downloads)

olecli32.dll - Bibliothèque client OLE (1580 downloads)

filedata.dll - FileData DLL (1580 downloads)

cddbuiroxio.dll - CDDBUIControl Module (Roxio) (1580 downloads)

filesafety.dll - (1580 downloads)

acsignextres.dll - AcSignExtRes Module (1580 downloads)

libi420_rgb_plugin.dll - (1580 downloads)

a4s2_cs.dll - SFG MFC Application (1580 downloads)

soundplayer.dll - Sound Player for IrfanView (1580 downloads)

ftlx0411.dll - Microsoft(R) Japanese Word Breaker (1580 downloads)

msaa2rdk.dll - Active Accessibility 2.0 Redistributable Setup Resources (1580 downloads)

gtxt_acq.dll - GlobeText Dynamic Link Library (1580 downloads)

mgtin.dll - (1580 downloads)

ExtendScriptIDE.dll - ExtendScript debugger (1580 downloads)

contprosap.dll - ContProSap Module (1580 downloads)

ctcdaeng.dll - CD Audio Engine (1580 downloads)

adsiis51.dll - ADs IIS Provider DLL (1580 downloads)

dpnet(2).dll - Microsoft DirectPlay (1580 downloads)

mswebdvd.dll - Module MSWebDVD (1580 downloads)

vcamp140.dll - Microsoft® C++ AMP Runtime (1580 downloads)

lfgbr13n.dll - LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32 (1580 downloads)

FamilySafetyExt.dll - FamilySafety ChildAccount Extensions (1580 downloads)

ce98pro.dll - setup (1580 downloads)

wiadefui.dll - Interface utilisateur par défaut du scanneur WIA (1580 downloads)

msb1geen.dll - Microsoft Office Translation Dictionaries (1580 downloads)

SETUPRC.dll - SBPCI (1580 downloads)

tb2plugh.dll - Security (1580 downloads)

msgsmime.dll - (1580 downloads)

vdk150.dll - (1580 downloads)

dot3cfg.dll - 802.3 Netsh Helper (1580 downloads)

eex86.dll - Expression Evaluator (ANSI C++) for Debugger (1580 downloads)

gdal11.dll - (1580 downloads)

amp_in.dll - (1580 downloads)

amehlog.dll - F-Secure Log Alert Extension (1580 downloads)

authoringmanager.dll - AuthoringManager DLL (1580 downloads)

f_s_tube.dll - (1580 downloads)

edputil.dll - EDP util (1580 downloads)

csdwctlg.dll - Microsoft Commerce Server DataWarehouse Catalog Component (1580 downloads)

wmex.dll - WM Encoder Extensions (1580 downloads)

SQLIMAGE.dll - Windows NT Image Helper (1580 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1252047)
xinput1_3.dll (919856)
msvcr100.dll (793608)
msvcp100.dll (750737)
vcruntime140.dll (719582)
msvcp140.dll (593193)
msvcr110.dll (574613)
msvcp120.dll (383435)
msvcr120.dll (379185)
msvcp110.dll (287981)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249939)
amtlib.dll (236465)
d3dx9_39.dll (221348)
binkw32.dll (198738)
unarc.dll (192897)
steam_api.dll (185684)
d3dx9_30.dll (179479)
KERNEL32.dll (176022)
ISDone.dll (156955)
lame_enc.dll (152961) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012