Most downloaded DLL files - - page 208

Most downloaded DLL files can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

pntcrop100.dll - Crop Tool Library (1513 downloads)

wiaservc.dll - Service de périphériques d'images fixes (1513 downloads)

whisper.dll - Microsoft Whisper (1513 downloads)

hpoidr07.dll - IEEE-1284.4-1999 Run-time library (kernel) (1513 downloads)

fssysupd.dll - F-Secure System File Updater plug-in DLL (1513 downloads)

fnx_core.dll - Core Classes (1513 downloads)

jgs2aol.dll - JG ART DLL (1513 downloads)

exch_ntfsdrv.dll - NTFS Message Store DLL (1513 downloads)

playerctrl.dll - PlayerCtrl DLL (1513 downloads)

encvag.dll - encvag.dll (1513 downloads)

vifxmvft.dll - iviMovieEffectDMO Module (1513 downloads)

cximagecrt100.dll - ManyCam CxImage Library (1513 downloads)

libmpg-dec-1.0.3.dll - (1513 downloads)

libmux_avi_plugin.dll - (1513 downloads)

dvsoft.dll - DV Compression Manager (1513 downloads)

lng645mi.dll - (1513 downloads)

ptzipw32.dll - Printer Toolkit for Windows (1513 downloads)

u2fwordw.dll - Word for Windows Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports (1513 downloads)

directwavectengine.dll - DirectWaveCtEngine.dll (1513 downloads)

dimsio.dll - Resources for DIMSIO (1513 downloads)

digiupg.dll - Digi DataFire BRI Upgrade Support (1513 downloads)

transhtm.dll - TransHTML Module (1513 downloads)

mdt2lv.dll - Microsoft Design Tools - Link View (1513 downloads)

acidropmgrres.dll - AutoCAD Resource DLL (1513 downloads)

mevshnt.dll - VirusScan On Access Scanner Configuartion DLL (1513 downloads)

mfcclwz.dll - Microsoft (R) Visual C++ ClassWizard Package (1513 downloads)

mfcsupportlibs.dll - MFCSupportLibs DLL (1513 downloads)

dec2gho.dll - File Decomposer Component (1513 downloads)

php_ming.dll - (1513 downloads)

tabsrmm_unicode.dll - Tabbed message plugin for Miranda IM (1513 downloads)

SwOnce.dll - Shockwave Player (1513 downloads)

cygpixbufloader-bmp.dll - (1513 downloads)

stlport_vc645.dll - STLport (1513 downloads)

startup23.dll - Resource DLL (1513 downloads)

mpwshm.dll - Home Loan Worksheet Place (1513 downloads)

SSNMPN70.dll - Named Pipes Net DLL for SQL Server (1513 downloads)

sscplda.dll - NVIDIA nForce(TM) Control Panel Danish Resources (1513 downloads)

crlrcvyintl110.dll - Application Error Recovery Library Resources (1513 downloads)

msdatl.dll - Microsoft OLE DB Implementation support library (1513 downloads)

msgvip.dll - Microsoft GameVoice IP Transport (1513 downloads)

crdb218.dll - DataDirect DB2 Wire Protocol ODBC Driver (1513 downloads)

msintmig.dll - Windows Installer 2.0 Win9X Migration DLL for NT (1513 downloads)

PNPXAssoc.dll - PNPX Association Dll (1513 downloads)

msm9usa.dll - Microsoft Geography U.S. English Resources (1513 downloads)

cilogger.dll - Crystal Enterprise (1513 downloads)

mtl7.dll - Heidi® Materials Toolkit (1513 downloads)

capires0411.dll - capires0411 (1513 downloads)

atipita.dll - ATI Process Inline Thunking Accessory (1513 downloads)

nwws2gw.dll - Novell IP Gateway NSP (1513 downloads)

shell17.dll - Resource DLL (1513 downloads)

nwshellx.dll - Novell Client Provider for Win9x (1513 downloads)

rshx32.dll - Extension noyau de sécurité (1513 downloads)

rpcns4.dll - Remote Procedure Call Name Service Client (1513 downloads)

cdac14ba.dll - SafeCast2 (1513 downloads)

nagctlr.dll - NagCtlr DLL (1513 downloads)

pcl5ms.dll - PCL5 Printer Driver (1513 downloads)

npmozax.dll - Mozilla ActiveX control and plugin module (1513 downloads)

res2.dll - core resources (1513 downloads)

nctaudiofile2.dll - NCTAudioFile2 ActiveX DLL (1513 downloads)

ntmsdba.dll - API d'objet DB de gestion de stockage amovible (1513 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1248533)
xinput1_3.dll (917118)
msvcr100.dll (790271)
msvcp100.dll (747251)
vcruntime140.dll (718636)
msvcp140.dll (592432)
msvcr110.dll (572642)
msvcp120.dll (382875)
msvcr120.dll (378401)
msvcp110.dll (287253)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249118)
amtlib.dll (236352)
d3dx9_39.dll (221213)
binkw32.dll (197885)
unarc.dll (186140)
steam_api.dll (183722)
d3dx9_30.dll (178859)
KERNEL32.dll (175761)
lame_enc.dll (152790)
ISDone.dll (151401) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012