Most downloaded DLL files - - page 21

Most downloaded DLL files can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

libpng12.dll - LibPng: PNG image compression library (2087 downloads)

RASAPI32.dll - API d'Accès réseau à distance (2086 downloads)

synisdll.dll - Install Resource Strings (2086 downloads)

DWINTL20.dll - Microsoft Application Error Reporting (2085 downloads)

3DG32.dll - (2085 downloads)

041d.dll - (2084 downloads)

luaconfig.dll - (2084 downloads)

040b.dll - Download, Install, Maintenance, Patch, Launch, Execute (2084 downloads)

python24.dll - (2084 downloads)

KF2MFC.dll - (2082 downloads)

php_gd2.dll - (2082 downloads)

FPDTC.dll - Microsoft Office FrontPage Design-Time Controls (2081 downloads)

noclip.dll - Adobe Audition Language Module (2081 downloads)

PhysXCooking.dll - PhysXCooking Dynamic Link Library (2081 downloads)

vcomp140d.dll - Microsoft® C/C++ OpenMP Runtime (2080 downloads)

adobe.dll - (2079 downloads)

P1006CLS.dll - TODO: (2079 downloads)

wdscore.dll - Panther Engine Module (2079 downloads)

crdb_adoplus.dll - Crystal Reports database driver for Microsoft ADO.NET (2079 downloads)

bigup2.dll - gamecenter component bigup2.dll (2078 downloads)

d2client.dll - Diablo II (2078 downloads)

d3d8thk.dll - Microsoft Direct3D OS Thunk Layer (2078 downloads)

z.dll - Z Plugin for 7-Zip (2077 downloads)

VCT32161.dll - Voxware Compression Toolkit (2077 downloads)

VBoxDispD3D.dll - VirtualBox Video Usermode D3D Driver (2076 downloads)

AdobeLM.dll - AdobeLM (2076 downloads)

ltfil10N.dll - LEADTOOLS® DLL for Win32 (2075 downloads)

test.dll - (2074 downloads)

ghostscript.dll - GhostScript Dynamic Link Library (2072 downloads)

propsys.dll - Microsoft Property System (2072 downloads)

harmony.dll - (2072 downloads)

SHCore.dll - SHCORE (2071 downloads)

0412.dll - Download, Install, Maintenance, Patch, Launch, Execute (2071 downloads)

C2R64.dll - Microsoft Office 2016 component (2070 downloads)

mes.dll - (2070 downloads)

netutils.dll - Net Win32 API Helpers DLL (2069 downloads)

mdivwctl.dll - Microsoft Office Document Imaging Viewer Control (2068 downloads)

acgenral.dll - Windows Compatibility DLL (2067 downloads)

msctf.dll - DLL de MSCTF Server (2067 downloads)

BCGCBPRO1500u80.dll - BCGControlBar Professional DLL (2067 downloads)

sccbase.dll - Infineon SICRYPT® Base Smart Card CSP (2067 downloads)

MLANG.dll - Multi Language Support DLL (2066 downloads)

1964ogl.dll - (2066 downloads)

WinSparkle.dll - WinSparkle updater (2066 downloads)

dsetup32.dll - DirectX Setup - 32-bit piece (2063 downloads)

craxdrt.dll - Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer Runtime Support (2062 downloads)

1045.dll - Language specific file (2062 downloads)

webio.dll - Web Transfer Protocols API (2061 downloads)

D3DX81ab.dll - DirectX 8.1 D3DX8 DLL for JEDI projects (2061 downloads)

blade.dll - (2061 downloads)

Vender.dll - Vender DLL (2061 downloads)

MSO9.dll - Microsoft Office 2000 component (2060 downloads)

duser.dll - Windows DirectUser Engine (2059 downloads)

editor.dll - (2059 downloads)

grungelizer.dll - VST Plug-In (2058 downloads)

gutils.dll - Windows Diff Graphic Utilities (2058 downloads)

28_83260.dll - 28.8 Audio Codec for RealAudio(tm) (2057 downloads)

x_levelruntimemfc.dll - (2056 downloads)

OUTLLIB.dll - Microsoft Outlook (2056 downloads)

msasn1.dll - ASN.1 Runtime APIs (2055 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1252047)
xinput1_3.dll (919856)
msvcr100.dll (793608)
msvcp100.dll (750737)
vcruntime140.dll (719582)
msvcp140.dll (593193)
msvcr110.dll (574613)
msvcp120.dll (383435)
msvcr120.dll (379185)
msvcp110.dll (287981)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249939)
amtlib.dll (236465)
d3dx9_39.dll (221348)
binkw32.dll (198738)
unarc.dll (192897)
steam_api.dll (185684)
d3dx9_30.dll (179479)
KERNEL32.dll (176022)
ISDone.dll (156955)
lame_enc.dll (152961) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012