can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
wmnotify.dll - WM Event Notify Login Extension (1423 downloads)
wt9_1ldes.dll - Corel Writing Tools Language-Dependent (ES) (1423 downloads)
xpcbyte2double.dll - (1423 downloads)
xpistub.dll - (1423 downloads)
BugHandler.dll - Bug management code adapted with permission from John Robbins' Bugslayer Library (1423 downloads)
EhStorShell.dll - Windows Enhanced Storage Shell Extension DLL (1423 downloads)
PrintWSDAHost.dll - PrintWSDAHost (1423 downloads)
SettingSyncPolicy.dll - SettingSync Policy (1423 downloads)
umpo.dll - User-mode Power Service (1423 downloads)
Windows.ApplicationModel.Wallet.dll - Windows ApplicationModel Wallet Runtime DLL (1423 downloads)
Windows.UI.dll - Windows Runtime UI Foundation DLL (1423 downloads)
EP0LVR1I.dll - EPSON Printer Driver (1423 downloads)
ONCoreFoundation8.dll - ONCoreFoundation (1423 downloads)
ccfwruls.dll - Norton Internet Security Firewall Rules Engine (1422 downloads)
crljtf110.dll - Corel Portable Job Ticket Format (JTF) DLL (1422 downloads)
dgupgrd.dll - Digi Async Upgrade Dll (1422 downloads)
eregui32.dll - ERegUI32 (1422 downloads)
formdll.dll - Windows InkForm/VoiceForm Common Engine (1422 downloads)
fx_sakuri32.dll - (1422 downloads)
gpulewglide.dll - gpuLewGlide.dll (1422 downloads)
hellocontrol.dll - (1422 downloads)
hphipr09.dll - PML Run-time library (1422 downloads)
hpi_common.dll - Shared Low-Level Utilities (1422 downloads)
ipevlpid.dll - Pid3.0 generation (1422 downloads)
jsj3250.dll - (1422 downloads)
light8.dll - Heidi® Light Toolkit (1422 downloads)
lmlayout.dll - PDPLay (1422 downloads)
mdabase.dll - mdabase.dll v3.53 (1422 downloads)
mfc42chs.dll - MFC Language Specific Resources (1422 downloads)
mnyres.dll - MIS resource COM component (1422 downloads)
mqdbodbc.dll - Message Queuing ODBC interface (1422 downloads)
msoecmd32.dll - DLL library (1422 downloads)
nctvideocompose.dll - NCTVideoCompose ActiveX DLL (1422 downloads)
nemp3dmo_original.dll - Nero Library (1422 downloads)
nineball.dll - Poker. (1422 downloads)
ntdsupg.dll - NT5DS (1422 downloads)
ntiosupp.dll - (1422 downloads)
nvasio.dll - NVIDIA® nForce(TM) ASIO Library (1422 downloads)
nwmignt.dll - Novell Migrate DLL from WinNT4 to W2K (1422 downloads)
odemul.dll - Microsoft (R) eMbedded Visual C++ Debugger Package (1422 downloads)
openquicktimelib.dll - (1422 downloads)
palminst.dll - Fugawi Palm Installation Extensions (1422 downloads)
parserates_im.dll - (1422 downloads)
pcm2.dll - PCM2 - Pulse Code Modulation Conversion Driver for Easy CD-DA Extractor 3 (1422 downloads)
pcr645mi.dll - (1422 downloads)
pixietool-csy.dll - Pixie5 Registration and Licensing Tool (1422 downloads)
ppt8dll.dll - Power Point 98 Helper App (1422 downloads)
purchaseorder.dll - (1422 downloads)
qwikverb.dll - Adobe Audition Language Module (1422 downloads)
rcxdti.dll - Microsoft (R) Developer Studio RC extension compiler for DESIGNINFO resources (1422 downloads)
redict32.dll - Dictionary Editor (Russian-English) (1422 downloads)
remotepg.dll - Extension du Panneau de configuration Sessions distantes (1422 downloads)
renderdirectx.dll - (1422 downloads)
res8.dll - core resources (1422 downloads)
rnginterstitial.dll - RngInterstitial (1422 downloads)
rpwe3260.dll - RealOne Player Web Components (1422 downloads)
rundrv98.dll - (1422 downloads)
sc645mi.dll - (1422 downloads)
sdspmsumprod.dll - (1422 downloads)
sersetupemeraldmm.dll - (1422 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1246202)
xinput1_3.dll (914949)
msvcr100.dll (788266)
msvcp100.dll (745048)
vcruntime140.dll (717895)
msvcp140.dll (591734)
msvcr110.dll (571298)
msvcp120.dll (382477)
msvcr120.dll (377885)
msvcp110.dll (286802)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (248702)
amtlib.dll (236266)
d3dx9_39.dll (221138)
binkw32.dll (197524)
unarc.dll (183112)
steam_api.dll (182264)
d3dx9_30.dll (178322)
KERNEL32.dll (175556)
lame_enc.dll (152681)
mss32.dll (150374)