can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
MetroIntelGenericUIFramework.dll - MetroIntelGenericUIFramework (1370 downloads)
msrdc.dll - Remote Differential Compression COM server (1370 downloads)
vpnikeapi.dll - VPN IKE API's (1370 downloads)
WsmWmiPl.dll - WSMAN WMI Provider (1370 downloads)
ezwHookpp.dll - (1370 downloads)
sfl.dll - (1370 downloads)
eulachk.dll - Microsoft EULAChk Module (1369 downloads)
hcresources.dll - (1369 downloads)
hpofax08.dll - HPOJFax Module (1369 downloads)
kbdlv1.dll - Latvia-QWERTY Keyboard Layout (1369 downloads)
lfxwd11n.dll - LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32 (1369 downloads)
libmpgv_plugin.dll - (1369 downloads)
lm_lang.dll - LogoManager language module (1369 downloads)
mgapistubs.dll - (1369 downloads)
mnycore.dll - Microsoft Money Core Objects (1369 downloads)
mon3ss.dll - Monitor Server (1369 downloads)
msdaeren.dll - (1369 downloads)
mtxcatex.dll - (1369 downloads)
mtxex.dll - (1369 downloads)
mwdtimaq.dll - (1369 downloads)
odbccr32.dll - Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Cursor Library (1369 downloads)
playriplpx.dll - (1369 downloads)
pmxrcfr_.dll - French Common resource DLL (1369 downloads)
popexam.dll - Norton AntiVirus Utilities (1369 downloads)
proto_icq.dll - (1369 downloads)
pv9685w.dll - Trident ProVidia9685 Accelerator Driver Init DLL (1369 downloads)
refeng30.dll - (1369 downloads)
rs232send.dll - (1369 downloads)
rtitlibimp.dll - (1369 downloads)
rundrvnt.dll - (1369 downloads)
sbs_diasymreader.dll - Microsoft .NET Framework Setup (1369 downloads)
sdraw32.dll - Sdraw32 (1369 downloads)
sdspcumsumprod.dll - (1369 downloads)
sdspldl.dll - (1369 downloads)
sdsprc2ac.dll - (1369 downloads)
setupqua.dll - (1369 downloads)
sfstress.dll - Sonic Foundry Example DirectX Audio Plug-In (1369 downloads)
smigratec.dll - Shape Migration Addon Code. (1369 downloads)
spgrmr.dll - SPTIP Grammar DLL (1369 downloads)
splay2002n1.dll - (1369 downloads)
spsrx.dll - SAPI 5 (1369 downloads)
spwsadapter.dll - SPWS Adapter Dll (1369 downloads)
sstrazht.dll - NVIDIA nForce Taskbar Chinese Traditional Resources (1369 downloads)
tipp19.dll - Verknüpfungspfeile (1369 downloads)
tipp252.dll - Zeit synchronisieren (1369 downloads)
tk645mi.dll - (1369 downloads)
tln0pt.dll - TCP/IP Transport layer for debugger (1369 downloads)
vbcommandssnippet.dll - (1369 downloads)
vqfenclib.dll - Audio plugin (1369 downloads)
vxmlpresetreader.dll - Vindaloo XML Preset Reader (1369 downloads)
wavpwsvr.dll - ACP-SND Dll (1369 downloads)
wmpasf.dll - Windows Media Player Filter Shim (1369 downloads)
wormres.dll - McAfee VirusScan WormStopper Resource (1369 downloads)
MiscUtil.dll - MiscUtil (1369 downloads)
STString.dll - ST String Management Class (1369 downloads)
bootstr.dll - Boot String Resource Library (1369 downloads)
CfgSPPolicy.dll - Configuration Service Provider CMPolicy (1369 downloads)
configmanager2.dll - ConfigManager (1369 downloads)
CortanaMapiHelper.ProxyStub.dll - CortanaMapiHelper.ProxyStub (1369 downloads)
EhStorAPI.dll - Windows Enhanced Storage API (1369 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1242089)
xinput1_3.dll (911287)
msvcr100.dll (783453)
msvcp100.dll (739664)
vcruntime140.dll (717025)
msvcp140.dll (590398)
msvcr110.dll (569355)
msvcp120.dll (381753)
msvcr120.dll (377093)
msvcp110.dll (285972)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (247625)
amtlib.dll (235975)
d3dx9_39.dll (221004)
binkw32.dll (196787)
steam_api.dll (179914)
d3dx9_30.dll (177479)
unarc.dll (176791)
KERNEL32.dll (175043)
lame_enc.dll (152473)
mss32.dll (149816)