Most downloaded DLL files - - page 402

Most downloaded DLL files can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

sbei64.dll - (1320 downloads)

ShHook.dll - Auto Mode Switcher (1320 downloads)

webaccessutils.dll - WebAccessUtils (1320 downloads)

wwanconn.dll - Wireless WAN Connection Flows (1320 downloads)

mfasfsrcsnk.dll - Media Foundation ASF Source and Sink DLL (1320 downloads)

ms3dthumbnailprovider.dll - 3MF Metadata Handler (1320 downloads)

rasdiag.dll - RAS Diagnostics Helper Classes (1320 downloads)

sbservicetrigger.dll - Socket Broker Service Trigger (1320 downloads)

wclUnicode.dll - Windows Class Library (1320 downloads)

witnesswmiv2provider.dll - Witness Service WMIv2 Provider (1320 downloads)

wscisvif.dll - Windows Security Center ISV API (1320 downloads)

wsp_health.dll - Windows Storage Provider for Health Agent API (1320 downloads)

CNBBR319.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1320 downloads)

CNBMR284.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1320 downloads)

CNBXRF4.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1320 downloads)

EP0LVRAB.dll - EPSON Printer Driver (1320 downloads)

EP0NB05A.dll - Epson Printer Driver (1320 downloads)

friendsui.dll - Steam Friends UI (1320 downloads)

GtCore.dll - Grepotool core library (1320 downloads)

MenuWnd.dll - MenuWnd DLL (1320 downloads)

Microsoft.WindowsSearch.Commands.dll - (1320 downloads)

MigSys.dll - MigSys.XML helper DLL (1320 downloads)

NlsData001d.dll - Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code (1320 downloads)

pdd.dll - (1320 downloads)

swapires.dll - SmartWhois APIs DLL (1320 downloads)

CyChartDW2ctse320U.dll - CyChartDW2ctse320 (1319 downloads)

rdsdwmdr.dll - Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Desktop Composition Component (1319 downloads)

rtmpltfm.dll - Microsoft Real Time Media Stack (1319 downloads)

sxsstore.dll - Sxs Store DLL (1319 downloads)

ChtPhoneticDS.dll - Microsoft IME (1319 downloads)

CNBJOPA1.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1319 downloads)

CNBUR.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1319 downloads)

CNHL12A.dll - LLD (1319 downloads)

CNHMWL6.dll - CNHMWL6 (1319 downloads)

CRPPresentation.dll - Conference Room Projector : Presentation (1319 downloads)

EP0LVRA5.dll - EPSON Printer Driver (1319 downloads)

EP0LXFPS.dll - EP0LXFPS (1319 downloads)

EP0LXFPW.dll - EP0LXFPW (1319 downloads)

EP0NXFS3.dll - EP0NXFS3 (1319 downloads)

IMTCDIC.dll - Microsoft IME 2012 (1319 downloads)

KeyboardFilterSvc.dll - SvcHost Service for Microsoft Keyboard Filter (1319 downloads)

MTFUtils.dll - Microsoft IME (1319 downloads)

ProductHelper.dll - Product Helper (1319 downloads)

RjvPlatform.dll - Windows Rejuvenation Platform (1319 downloads)

SyncEngine.dll - Microsoft OneDrive Sync Engine (1319 downloads)

uSSL.dll - (1319 downloads)

VersionModule.dll - (1319 downloads)

rtmmvrortc.dll - Microsoft Real Time Media ORTC Video Renderer (1318 downloads)

setbcdlocale.dll - MUI Callback for Bcd (1318 downloads) - .NET Framework (1318 downloads)

CNBJOP8W.dll - Canon Inkjet Printer Driver (1318 downloads)

CNHL500.dll - Canon Inkjet WIA Driver (1318 downloads)

CNHW900.dll - Canon Inkjet WIA Driver (1318 downloads)

CTAudEp.dll - Audio Endpoint Selection (1318 downloads)

EP0NIP46.dll - EPSON Printer Driver (1318 downloads)

EP0NOE12.dll - Pilote d’imprimante Epson (1318 downloads)

LocationProvider.dll - Location Provider (1318 downloads)

mshtmlmedia.dll - Microsoft (R) HTML Media DLL (1318 downloads)

MSWB70011.dll - MSWB7EA DLL (1318 downloads)

SkyDriveTelemetry.dll - Telemetry Library for the OneDrive client (1318 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1252047)
xinput1_3.dll (919856)
msvcr100.dll (793608)
msvcp100.dll (750737)
vcruntime140.dll (719582)
msvcp140.dll (593193)
msvcr110.dll (574613)
msvcp120.dll (383435)
msvcr120.dll (379185)
msvcp110.dll (287981)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249939)
amtlib.dll (236465)
d3dx9_39.dll (221348)
binkw32.dll (198738)
unarc.dll (192897)
steam_api.dll (185684)
d3dx9_30.dll (179479)
KERNEL32.dll (176022)
ISDone.dll (156955)
lame_enc.dll (152961) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012