can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
Controls.dll - SmartFTP Common Controls (1756 downloads)
CDR4DLL.dll - Adaptec CDR4VSD support DLL (1756 downloads)
hpzidr12.dll - IEEE-1284.4-1999 Run-time library (kernel) (1756 downloads)
qmdx.dll - QSound 3d Audio Mixer & Manager (1756 downloads)
csp.dll - CSP (1756 downloads)
LFCMP12n.dll - LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32 (1756 downloads)
System.Net.Http.dll - System.Net.Http (1755 downloads)
fmtpdf.dll - fmtpdf (1755 downloads)
fdeploy.dll - Extension Winlogon de redirection de dossier (1755 downloads)
bambam.dll - (1755 downloads)
regsrestr_tr.dll - Adobe REGS Resource Library (1755 downloads)
timebandit.dll - (1755 downloads)
V32SCAN.dll - Norton AntiVirus Scanning APIs (1755 downloads)
agentanm.dll - Microsoft Character Animation Player (1754 downloads)
NAVAPW32.dll - Norton AntiVirus Agent (1754 downloads)
NAVERROR.dll - NAVError Module (1754 downloads)
compression.dll - Remote management component (1754 downloads)
VBACV10D.dll - VBA DBCS Converter (1.0) (1754 downloads)
xbflashlib.dll - (1754 downloads)
mail.dll - Mail Module (1754 downloads)
actionqueue.dll - Unattend Action Queue Generator / Executor (1753 downloads)
flyapi.dll - (1753 downloads)
NAVAPI32.dll - Norton AntiVirus Engine API (1753 downloads)
vbsendmail.dll - (1753 downloads)
RTLCPAPI.dll - RtlCPAPI Module (1753 downloads)
serverbrowser.dll - (1753 downloads)
adprop.dll - Windows Active Directory Admin Property Pages (1753 downloads)
SCANMGR.dll - Norton AntiVirus Scan Manager (1753 downloads)
dmpushproxy.dll - dmpushproxy (1753 downloads)
axinterop.wmplib.dll - (1753 downloads)
csh.dll - User RunTime Communication DLL (1753 downloads)
shtml.dll - Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions (1752 downloads)
atiadlxx.dll - ADL (1752 downloads)
DMSDK.dll - DMSDKUnplugged (1752 downloads)
ieui.dll - Internet Explorer UI Engine (1752 downloads)
tbase.dll - Chess Database Game Module (1752 downloads)
OUTLAS9.dll - Microsoft Outlook (1752 downloads)
RAGENT.dll - Microsoft Office Replication Agent (1752 downloads)
agate.dll - (1751 downloads)
napmmc.dll - Remote Access Policy Snapin (1751 downloads)
kstream.dll - (1751 downloads)
ad.dll - (1751 downloads) - (1751 downloads)
vc.dll - (1751 downloads)
AppvIsvStream64.dll - AppVIsvStream64 (1751 downloads)
pw.dll - Passwort Eingabe (1751 downloads)
apc63.dll - Application Programmability Components (1751 downloads)
SwDir.dll - Shockwave ActiveX Control (1751 downloads)
eventengine.dll - (1751 downloads)
qedit.dll - Ãdition DirectShow. (1751 downloads)
FWPUCLNT.dll - API en mode utilisateur FWP/IPsec (1751 downloads)
hapdbg.dll - (1751 downloads)
AOLArt.dll - Viewpoint Media Player AOLArt Component (1751 downloads)
asiodxfd.dll - Steinberg ASIO Direct Sound Wrapper (1750 downloads)
hl_res.dll - (1750 downloads)
mscdex32.dll - DLL calls MSCDEX, ASPI and WinSCSI (1750 downloads)
NISEMAIL.dll - NIS Email (1750 downloads)
msjtor35.dll - Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet (1750 downloads)
u2.dll - (1750 downloads)
DTSPUMP.dll - DTSDataPump Service Provider DLL (1750 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1252047)
xinput1_3.dll (919860)
msvcr100.dll (793613)
msvcp100.dll (750737)
vcruntime140.dll (719583)
msvcp140.dll (593193)
msvcr110.dll (574613)
msvcp120.dll (383435)
msvcr120.dll (379185)
msvcp110.dll (287981)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249939)
amtlib.dll (236465)
d3dx9_39.dll (221348)
binkw32.dll (198738)
unarc.dll (192897)
steam_api.dll (185684)
d3dx9_30.dll (179479)
KERNEL32.dll (176022)
ISDone.dll (156955)
lame_enc.dll (152964)