Most downloaded DLL files - - page 422

Most downloaded DLL files can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

srmshell.dll - Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Shell Extension (1227 downloads)

fveRecover.dll - Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption User Interface (1226 downloads)

rasqec.dll - RAS Quarantine Enforcement Client (1226 downloads)

tssrvlic.dll - RD Server Licensing Policy Module (1226 downloads)

hpfuiw73.dll - (1225 downloads)

lxa3usb1.dll - Lexmark Communication System (1225 downloads)

ncryptui.dll - Windows cryptographic key protection UI library (1225 downloads)

pbkmigr.dll - Microsoft Connection Manager Migration Lib (1225 downloads)

pgort100.dll - Microsoft® Profile Guided Optimization Instrumentation Runtime (1225 downloads)

prm0005.dll - Microsoft Czech Natural Language Data and Code (1225 downloads)

rdvgumd32.dll - Microsoft RemoteFX Virtual GPU (1225 downloads)

hpzppw71.dll - HP Print Processor (1224 downloads)

sperror.dll - SP Error (1224 downloads)

srm.dll - Microsoft® File Server Resource Manager Common Library (1224 downloads)

tsunicl2rc.dll - TOSHIBA e-STUDIO Series XPS Class Driver x86 (1224 downloads)

lxa4drs.dll - DRS Dynamic Link Library (1223 downloads)

prm001f.dll - Microsoft Turkish Natural Language Data and Code (1223 downloads)

rcrpcs.dll - XPS Rasterization Service XPS to RPCS raster filter (1223 downloads)

wlessfp1.dll - (1223 downloads)

pnpsetup.dll - Pnp installer for CMI (1222 downloads)

sqlcese30.dll - Microsoft SQL Mobile (1222 downloads)

srmstormod.dll - Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Office Parser (1222 downloads)

tsmigplugin.dll - TS Migration Plugin (1222 downloads)

wpcmig.dll - Windows Parental Controls Migration (1222 downloads)

xrXpsPtFilter.dll - XPS Rendering Filter (1222 downloads)

lxkpclui.dll - Interface utilisateur du plug-in PCL de Lexmark (1221 downloads)

msctfmig.dll - msctfmig Server DLL (1221 downloads)

prm0001.dll - Microsoft Arabic Natural Language Data and Code (1221 downloads)

resetengmig.dll - Microsoft Windows Reset Engine Mig Wrapper (1221 downloads)

sleeapi.dll - ACLEngine Dynamic Link Library (DLL) (1221 downloads)

stringeditruntime.dll - StringEdit Runtime (1221 downloads)

p2pcollab.dll - Peer-to-Peer Collaboration (1220 downloads)

tpmscrmigplugin.dll - Offline Files Migration Plugin (1220 downloads)

qagentrt.dll - Körningsmiljö för Quarantine Agent Service (1219 downloads)

shellintmgr51u.dll - ShellIntMgr (1219 downloads)

spprgrss.dll - Setup Progress Framework (1219 downloads)

srmlib.dll - Microsoft (R) File Server Resource Management Interop Assembly (1219 downloads)

gameuxmig.dll - gameuxmig (1218 downloads)

kywdw810.dll - Kyocera WIA Driver (1218 downloads)

xrWPpb3.dll - Xerox WorkCentre Pro (1218 downloads)

rdvidcrl.dll - Remote Desktop Services Client for Microsoft Online Services (1217 downloads)

shmig.dll - shmig (1217 downloads)

nehbhb.dll - Printer Driver Module (1216 downloads)

rdpcorekmts.dll - TS (KM) RDPCore DLL (1216 downloads)

shrink.dll - SHRINK DLL (1216 downloads)

xrWPpb4.dll - Xerox WorkCentre Pro (1216 downloads)

vmicres.dll - Fichier DLL de ressources du Service Composants d’intégration d’ordinateur virtuel (1215 downloads)

sdspres.dll - Microsoft® Backup & Restore resource library (1214 downloads)

wfascim.dll - Network Management Value Objects (1214 downloads)

wined3dwddm.dll - VirtualBox Wine D3D (WDDM) (1214 downloads)

kyw7sr03.dll - String resource file (1213 downloads)

lxa4WIA.dll - Lexmark WIA Microdriver DLL (1213 downloads)

msscb.dll - msscb.dll (1212 downloads)

rcnup8.dll - XPSDrv Sample NUp Filter (1212 downloads)

spcmsg.dll - SP Installer Msg Dll (1212 downloads)

srmclient.dll - Microsoft® File Server Resource Management Client Extensions (1212 downloads)

vmstorfltres.dll - Fichier DLL de ressources du filtre de stockage d’ordinateur virtuel (1212 downloads)

scrptadm.dll - Script Adm Extension (1211 downloads)

sppuinotify.dll - SPP Notification Service (1210 downloads)

sysprepMCE.dll - Windows Media Center SysPrep DLL (1210 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1252047)
xinput1_3.dll (919856)
msvcr100.dll (793608)
msvcp100.dll (750737)
vcruntime140.dll (719582)
msvcp140.dll (593193)
msvcr110.dll (574613)
msvcp120.dll (383435)
msvcr120.dll (379185)
msvcp110.dll (287981)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249939)
amtlib.dll (236465)
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KERNEL32.dll (176022)
ISDone.dll (156955)
lame_enc.dll (152961) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012