Most downloaded DLL files - - page 93

Most downloaded DLL files can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

cnmop61.dll - BJ Raster Printer Driver Output Module (1607 downloads)

adminweb.dll - Server Appliance Admin Plugin (1607 downloads)

memdump.dll - (1607 downloads)

kbdjpn.dll - JP Japanese Keyboard Layout Stub driver (1607 downloads)

3dfxis16.dll - 3dfx Install Support Library (1607 downloads)

as2000.dll - Public Release Version (1607 downloads)

clvmd3d.dll - Cirrus Logic Direct3D DLL (1607 downloads)

dicontecadx.dll - (1607 downloads)

c2_prof.dll - Registry functions for WinOnCD and VideoPack (1607 downloads)

fsbwce.dll - F-Secure BackWeb Client Extension (1607 downloads)

aimax.dll - (1606 downloads)

bnts.dll - Belief Network Troubleshooting (1606 downloads)

hdana2.dll - (1606 downloads)

3DRSYS.dll - 3DR SYStem Module (1606 downloads)

extmondrv.dll - Sony External Monitor Drivers (1606 downloads)

divaci.dll - DIVA Client for Windows 2000 (1606 downloads)

dsuiext.dll - Interface utilisateur commune du service d'annuaire (1606 downloads)

radutil.dll - (1606 downloads)

dskquota.dll - DLL Windows Shell de prise en charge de quota de disque (1606 downloads)

acadficn16.dll - acadficn (1606 downloads)

acgsimage.dll - AutoCAD 3D Graphics System Image Module (1606 downloads)

expert.dll - ZoneAlarm Expert Module (1606 downloads)

s3mm.dll - DIB Engine based S3 driver. (1606 downloads)

L2SecHC.dll - Layer 2 Security Diagnostics Helper Classes (1606 downloads)

wiaaut.dll - WIA Automation Layer (1606 downloads)

bcgcb473.dll - BCGControlBar DLL (1606 downloads)

adrtddm64x0.dll - (1606 downloads)

adssmp.dll - (1606 downloads)

asqsound.dll - (1606 downloads)

WSDMon.dll - Moniteur de port d’imprimante WSD (1606 downloads)

apachecore.dll - (1606 downloads)

VEEventDispatcher.dll - Visual Element Event dispatcher (1606 downloads)

mqsec.dll - Windows NT, MSMQ 2.0 Security (1606 downloads)

cnmpp.dll - Canon BJ Print Processor (1606 downloads)

a0006621.dll - (1606 downloads)

lateprocessing.dll - (1606 downloads)

repgen.dll - (1606 downloads)

gs_ds.dll - (1606 downloads)

eventlog.dll - Service journal des événements (1606 downloads)

amcstringtable.dll - (1606 downloads)

WMPhoto.dll - Windows Media Photo Codec (1606 downloads)

CustomMarshalers.dll - Microsoft .NET Framework Custom Marshalers (1606 downloads)

MSWBCLNG.dll - Microsoft Web Capture Extension (1605 downloads)

avuishell20.dll - (1605 downloads)

adsnw.dll - ADs Netware 3.12 Provider DLL (1605 downloads)

tapisrv.dll - Serveur de téléphonie Microsoft® Windows(TM) (1605 downloads)

amlhun.dll - Outlook Web Access magyar nyelvű csomag (1605 downloads)

certif.dll - Certificate Server Interface (1605 downloads)

ctnews.dll - News Engine 3.0 Main Display Module (1605 downloads)

dxopengl.dll - (1605 downloads)

VideoMessenger.dll - VideoMessenger (1605 downloads)

LFSMP13n.dll - LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32 (1605 downloads)

ctip.dll - Microsoft(R) Visual C++ Tip of the Day Component (1605 downloads)

LLVMMail.dll - Logitech Video-Mail client (1605 downloads)

msencode.dll - Microsoft Character Encoder (1605 downloads)

atv10w9x.dll - Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver (1605 downloads)

drmstor.dll - DRM Store DLL (1605 downloads)

attrs.dll - (1605 downloads)

divasu.dll - DIVA Client for Windows 2000 (1605 downloads)

ezfilerc.dll - (1605 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1246202)
xinput1_3.dll (914949)
msvcr100.dll (788266)
msvcp100.dll (745049)
vcruntime140.dll (717895)
msvcp140.dll (591734)
msvcr110.dll (571298)
msvcp120.dll (382477)
msvcr120.dll (377885)
msvcp110.dll (286802)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (248702)
amtlib.dll (236266)
d3dx9_39.dll (221138)
binkw32.dll (197524)
unarc.dll (183112)
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d3dx9_30.dll (178322)
KERNEL32.dll (175556)
lame_enc.dll (152681)
mss32.dll (150374) - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012