can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
afcm.dll - Kaplan Math FlashCards DLL (1616 downloads)
efiutils.dll - Function Library (1616 downloads)
batpgp60.dll - (1616 downloads)
GoogleDesktopIE.dll - (1616 downloads)
dmocx.dll - OCX TreeView (1616 downloads)
VEEventDispatcher.dll - Visual Element Event dispatcher (1616 downloads)
contextp.dll - Development Environment DLL (1616 downloads)
iprtrmgr.dll - Gestionnaire de routeur IP (1616 downloads)
lm.dll - (1616 downloads)
checktool.dll - CheckTool.dll (1616 downloads)
ialmdd4.dll - DirectDraw(R) Driver for Intel(R) Graphics Technology (1616 downloads)
obrb041d.dll - Meddelanden för Service Pack 2 OOB (1616 downloads)
adsnw.dll - ADs Netware 3.12 Provider DLL (1616 downloads)
xerces-c_1_6.dll - Shared Library for Xerces-C Version 1.6.0 (1616 downloads)
L2SecHC.dll - Layer 2 Security Diagnostics Helper Classes (1616 downloads)
fxlist.dll - FxList File Search Engine (1616 downloads)
msimtf.dll - Active IMM Server DLL (1616 downloads)
abstsock.dll - Citrix Socket Abstraction Layer (1616 downloads)
aimax.dll - (1616 downloads)
e2_celeron_cpu_mfc.dll - (1615 downloads)
a4s2_g.dll - SFG MFC Application (1615 downloads)
qsound32.dll - Sound Forge QSound Plug-In (1615 downloads)
vaultcli.dll - Credential Vault Client Library (1615 downloads)
WMPhoto.dll - Windows Media Photo Codec (1615 downloads)
a4s2_j.dll - SFG MFC Application (1615 downloads)
dxmfc.dll - DXMfc DLL (1615 downloads)
dicontecadx.dll - (1615 downloads)
RSCFMT.dll - Symantec Diskette Formatter (1615 downloads)
agp_utils.dll - (1615 downloads)
gamespyjoin_mp_demo.dll - (1615 downloads)
extmondrv.dll - Sony External Monitor Drivers (1615 downloads)
synthesis.dll - Text Analyzer DLL (1615 downloads)
LVTag.dll - QuickSend Tag Utility (1615 downloads)
mmcp70.dll - User-Generated Microsoft (R) C/C++ Runtime Library (1615 downloads)
adoisapi.dll - ADO ISAPI Extension (1615 downloads)
ai_eps_pdf_import.dll - AI EPS PDF Import (1615 downloads)
crlfom110.dll - Fill and Outline Manager Library (1615 downloads)
dec1.dll - Delphi Encryption Compendium Part I (1615 downloads)
cnmop61.dll - BJ Raster Printer Driver Output Module (1615 downloads)
ezfilerc.dll - (1615 downloads)
eventlog.dll - Service journal des événements (1615 downloads)
c2_prof.dll - Registry functions for WinOnCD and VideoPack (1615 downloads)
libfn.dll - (1615 downloads)
mbm.dll - MBM 5 Core DLL (1615 downloads)
kbdic.dll - Icelandic Keyboard Layout (1615 downloads)
lprmon.dll - Moniteur d'impression LPR (1615 downloads)
dinipcie.dll - (1615 downloads)
AcroIEHelper.dll - Adobe Acrobat IE Helper Version 6.0 for ActivieX (1615 downloads)
adrtddm64x0.dll - (1615 downloads)
dllix.dll - PoINT Shared DLL (1615 downloads)
t29.dll - TTR Technologies DiscGuard (tm) (1615 downloads)
crxf_wordw.dll - Rich Text and MSWord Format DLL for Crystal Reports (1615 downloads)
dmconfig.dll - Logical Disk Manager Configuration Library (1615 downloads)
compfilt.dll - HTTP 1.1 Compression filter version, v1.0 (1615 downloads)
tbs.dll - TBS (1615 downloads)
ultravoice.dll - VST PlugIn (1615 downloads)
LLVMMail.dll - Logitech Video-Mail client (1615 downloads)
eq5.dll - (1615 downloads)
sqlora8.dll - Borland Database Engine (1615 downloads)
lateprocessing.dll - (1615 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1248532)
xinput1_3.dll (917118)
msvcr100.dll (790271)
msvcp100.dll (747251)
vcruntime140.dll (718636)
msvcp140.dll (592431)
msvcr110.dll (572639)
msvcp120.dll (382875)
msvcr120.dll (378401)
msvcp110.dll (287253)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249118)
amtlib.dll (236352)
d3dx9_39.dll (221213)
binkw32.dll (197885)
unarc.dll (186139)
steam_api.dll (183722)
d3dx9_30.dll (178859)
KERNEL32.dll (175760)
lame_enc.dll (152790)
ISDone.dll (151381)