can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
asusvr.dll - (1562 downloads)
asv569mi.dll - (1465 downloads)
asw.dll - Yahoo! Audio Setup Wizard (1586 downloads)
aswAMSI.dll - Avast AMSI COM object (1361 downloads)
aswAra.dll - TightVNC Viewer (1279 downloads)
aswAux.dll - avast! Auxiliary Library (1286 downloads)
aswBrowser.dll - Avast SafeZone Browser Library (1271 downloads)
aswCmnBS.dll - Common functions (2205 downloads)
aswCmnIS.dll - Antivirus independent functions (2128 downloads)
aswCmnOS.dll - Antivirus HW dependent library (2257 downloads)
aswEngLdr.dll - Antivirus engine loader (1569 downloads)
aswIP.dll - AvastIP Dynamic Link Library (1305 downloads)
aswMonVD.dll - (1302 downloads)
aswProperty.dll - Avast Property Storage library (1306 downloads)
aswUtil.dll - Avast Utility library (3150 downloads)
aswcmlx.dll - CML Library (1302 downloads)
aswcommchannel.dll - Communication Channels (1305 downloads)
aswhookx.dll - Hook Library (1322 downloads)
aswres.dll - Yahoo! Audio Setup Wizard Resources - English (1589 downloads)
asycfilt.dll - (1563 downloads)
asylum.dll - (1599 downloads)
asymamfiltermanager.dll - Manages Filter Handling (1596 downloads)
asymclr.dll - Color DLL (1662 downloads)
asymcommon.dll - Asymetrix Common DLL (1596 downloads)
asymimgseq.dll - Video for Windows Image Sequencer (1647 downloads)
asymmediafinder.dll - Asymetrix Media Finder (1665 downloads)
asymolx.dll - asymolx (1630 downloads)
asyncnet.dll - Procomm Plus Asynchronous Network Transport APIs (1564 downloads)
asyncreport.dll - Microsoft Commerce 2000 Asyncreport DLL (1544 downloads)
asys.dll - asys MFC Application (1817 downloads)
at.dll - AudioTrack (1731 downloads)
at17dlg.dll - (1588 downloads)
atalk32.dll - AppleTalk for Windows 32 bit interface (1600 downloads)
atasnt40.dll - WebEx Application Sharing Kernel Driver (1521 downloads)
atcont.dll - Microsoft Encarta 2003 (1665 downloads)
atdlgutl.dll - AppleTalk Dialog Utilities (1660 downloads)
ate32.dll - Rich Text Control DLL (1565 downloads)
ateima32.dll - Image Encoder/Decoder DLL (1504 downloads)
ateres.dll - Oscar Resource Manager (1551 downloads)
atfind.dll - Microsoft Encarta 2003 (1577 downloads)
atflight.dll - Microsoft Encarta 2003 (1617 downloads)
atfsd32.dll - AppleTalk File System Driver Interface (1627 downloads)
athena.dll - (1678 downloads)
athn3270.dll - ATHNOUI Library (1643 downloads)
athprxy.dll - Microsoft Search Authentication Proxy (1585 downloads)
ati.dll - (1658 downloads)
ati2cqag.dll - Central Memory Manager / Queue Server Module (1712 downloads)
ati2drad.dll - ATI2DRAD Display Driver (1702 downloads)
ati2dvaa.dll - ATI RAGE 128 WindowsNT Display Driver (1615 downloads)
ati2dvag.dll - ATI Radeon WindowsNT Display Driver (1905 downloads)
ati2edxx.dll - atieduxx (1666 downloads)
ati2erec.dll - eRecord Message Resource File (1706 downloads)
ati2evxx.dll - ATI External Event Utility DLL Module (1673 downloads)
ati3d1ag.dll - ati3d1ag.dll (1622 downloads)
ati3d2ag.dll - ati3d2ag.dll (1583 downloads)
ati3dcif.dll - ATI 3D CIF driver (1639 downloads)
ati3dcor.dll - ATI Technologies 3D Rage Core Driver (1452 downloads)
ati3duag.dll - ati3duag.dll (1624 downloads)
ati_dd16.dll - ATI Mach64 DirectDraw HAL. (1574 downloads)
ati_dd32.dll - ATI Mach64 DirectDraw HAL. (1604 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1249449)
xinput1_3.dll (917653)
msvcr100.dll (791311)
msvcp100.dll (748364)
vcruntime140.dll (718954)
msvcp140.dll (592556)
msvcr110.dll (573141)
msvcp120.dll (383015)
msvcr120.dll (378573)
msvcp110.dll (287471)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249318)
amtlib.dll (236380)
d3dx9_39.dll (221250)
binkw32.dll (198127)
unarc.dll (188056)
steam_api.dll (184355)
d3dx9_30.dll (179153)
KERNEL32.dll (175848)
ISDone.dll (153411)
lame_enc.dll (152843)