DLL files to download for free - c - Download-DLL.com - page 14

DLL files starting with c

Download-DLL.com can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful.

Download-DLL.com offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

cemapi.dll - CEMAPI (1210 downloads)

cenetflt.dll - ActiveSync Internet Content Filters (1337 downloads)

cengcore.dll - CEngCore Module (1282 downloads)

cengcore10.dll - CEngCore10 Module (1317 downloads)

cengefi.dll - Function Library (1417 downloads)

cengfront.dll - CEngFront Module (1272 downloads)

cengfront10.dll - CEngFront10 Module (1318 downloads)

ceplive.dll - Install passwords given for Syntrillium products (1399 downloads)

cerberus.dll - Cerberus Module (1305 downloads)

ceriched.dll - Rich Text Edit Control, v2.0 (1335 downloads)

certCredProvider.dll - Cert Credential Provider (1182 downloads)

certadm.dll - Certificate Server Admin (1368 downloads)

certca.dll - Microsoft® Active Directory Certificate Services CA (1338 downloads)

certcli.dll - Client Microsoft® Certificate Services (1463 downloads)

certcrpt.dll - Crypto API32 IE Addendum (1432 downloads)

certenc.dll - Certificate Server Encoding (1395 downloads)

certexit.dll - Certificate Server Exit Module (1289 downloads)

certif.dll - Certificate Server Interface (1429 downloads)

certintl.dll - Создание цифрового сертификата с собственной подписью (1430 downloads)

certmgr.dll - Composant logiciel enfichable Certificats (1390 downloads)

certmmc.dll - Microsoft® Certificate Services Management Console (1387 downloads)

certpdef.dll - Microsoft® NT Certificate Server Default Policy Module (1436 downloads)

certprop.dll - Microsoft Smartcard Certificate Propagation Service (1198 downloads)

certpsam.dll - Microsoft® NT Certificate Server Sample Policy Module (1327 downloads)

certtmpl.dll - Certificate Templates (1464 downloads)

certxds.dll - Certificate Server Exit Module (1371 downloads)

ceuninst.dll - Windows CE Services Uninstall (1291 downloads)

ceutil.dll - Registry Utility Library (2974 downloads)

cewmdm.dll - Windows CE WMDM Service Provider (1421 downloads)

cfgbkend.dll - Configuration Backend Interface (1402 downloads)

cfgmgr.dll - Configuration manager (1461 downloads)

cfgmgr2.dll - (1340 downloads)

cfgmgr32.dll - Configuration Manager DLL (1296 downloads)

cfgsetup.dll - CFGSetup (1328 downloads)

cfmifs.dll - FmIfs Engine (1215 downloads)

cfmifsproxy.dll - Microsoft® FmIfs Proxy Library (1189 downloads)

cfpapi.dll - Canon FlashPix Library (1439 downloads)

cfperfmon_mx.dll - ColdFusion Performance Monitor (1279 downloads)

cfpjpeg.dll - Canon FlashPix JPEG (1376 downloads)

cfsres.dll - Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator Module (1427 downloads)

cfsrvscn.dll - Cold Fusion Webserver Scanner (1391 downloads)

cfveritysearch.dll - CfVeritySearch Module (1411 downloads)

cfx2032.dll - Chart FX® DLL for Windows (1373 downloads)

cg.dll - Cg Core Runtime Library (5630 downloads)

cgD3D9.dll - Cg D3D9 Runtime Library (1924 downloads)

cgGL.dll - Cg GL Runtime Library (2851 downloads)

cg_ir.dll - Stateflow/MeCoder Shared IR (1409 downloads)

cgamex86.dll - JA Client Game DLL (1304 downloads)

cgd3d8.dll - Cg D3D8 Runtime Library (1427 downloads)

cgrm_en.dll - English TruVoice TTS (1504 downloads)

cgrm_enp.dll - English TruVoice TTS (1354 downloads)

ch10-addabutton.dll - (1276 downloads)

ch10-addhyperlink.dll - (1373 downloads)

ch10-addlabel.dll - (1323 downloads)

ch10-createproject.dll - (1389 downloads)

ch10-createproject1.dll - (1336 downloads)

ch10-usingawebform.dll - (1417 downloads)

ch7xxnt4.dll - Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver (1390 downloads)

ch7xxnt5.dll - Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver (1279 downloads)

ch7xxw9x.dll - Ch700x Minidriver for Intel Graphics Driver (1368 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1218626)
xinput1_3.dll (887049)
msvcr100.dll (755969)
vcruntime140.dll (706273)
msvcp100.dll (705169)
msvcp140.dll (583276)
msvcr110.dll (558564)
msvcp120.dll (378253)
msvcr120.dll (373535)
msvcp110.dll (282277)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (243306)
amtlib.dll (233212)
d3dx9_39.dll (220169)
binkw32.dll (193058)
d3dx9_30.dll (172908)
steam_api.dll (170405)
KERNEL32.dll (167810)
lame_enc.dll (151061)
mss32.dll (146874)
msvcr71.dll (138839)

Download-DLL.com - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012