can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
ctcoinst.dll - CtCoInst (1474 downloads)
ctdc0000.dll - Creative Audio Device Control Module (1567 downloads)
ctdc0001.dll - Creative Audio Device Control Engine (1575 downloads)
ctdcifce.dll - Creative Audio Device Control Interface (1594 downloads)
ctdcl.dll - Diagnostics support library (1613 downloads)
ctdcrbrz.dll - CTDCRES (1446 downloads)
ctdcrchs.dll - CTDCRES (1535 downloads)
ctdcrcht.dll - CTDCRES (1446 downloads)
ctdcrdut.dll - CTDCRES (1414 downloads)
ctdcres.dll - CTDCRES (1473 downloads)
ctdcrfrn.dll - CTDCRES (1599 downloads)
ctdcrger.dll - CTDCRES (1554 downloads)
ctdcrita.dll - CTDCRES (1605 downloads)
ctdcrjpn.dll - CTDCRES (1578 downloads)
ctdcrkor.dll - CTDCRES (1527 downloads)
ctdcrspn.dll - CTDCRES (1581 downloads)
ctdetres.dll - Disc Detector (1512 downloads)
ctdlg100.dll - Corel Texture's dialog dll (1496 downloads)
ctdlg91.dll - Corel Texture's dialog dll (1570 downloads)
ctdrmres.dll - Creative PlayCenter 2 - DRM UI Resource DLL (1521 downloads)
ctdrmui.dll - Creative PlayCenter 2 - DRM UI DLL (1499 downloads)
ctdsetup.dll - CTDSETUP (1530 downloads)
ctdvda32.dll - DVD-Audio Manager (1596 downloads)
cteapsfx.dll - APS FX Plug-in (1566 downloads)
ctemupia.dll - Creative FX Plug-in Strings (1556 downloads)
cteores.dll - AudioHQ EfxOff Resource (1457 downloads)
ctfmeng.dll - CTFMEng DLL (1502 downloads)
cthtml.dll - CTHtml (1721 downloads)
ctid3res.dll - CTId3Res DLL (1596 downloads)
ctid3tag.dll - CTId3Tag DLL (1685 downloads)
ctimage.dll - CTImage DLL (1588 downloads)
ctintern.dll - Creative PlayCenter 2 - Internet View (1538 downloads)
ctintres.dll - Creative PlayCenter 2 - Internet View Resource DLL (1557 downloads)
ctip.dll - Microsoft(R) Visual C++ Tip of the Day Component (1612 downloads)
ctjb2sp.dll - Creative NOMAD Jukebox Series Windows Media Service Provider (1453 downloads)
ctjbprog.dll - WMDMProgressHelper Module (1578 downloads)
ctjbsp.dll - Creative SP for NOMAD JukeBox (1455 downloads)
ctl3d.dll - Ctl3D 3D Windows Control (2031 downloads)
ctl3dv2.dll - Ctl3D 3D Windows NT(WOW) Control (1670 downloads)
ctl645mi.dll - (1604 downloads)
ctmail.dll - CTMail DLL (1555 downloads)
ctmasetp.dll - Cartes asynchrones RocketPort RocketModem RocketModemII RocketModem i(TM) Series pour le système d'exploitation Microsoft® Windows(TM) (1490 downloads)
ctmbase.dll - CTMBase DLL (1656 downloads)
ctmchwav.dll - CTMChWav DLL (1582 downloads)
ctmedeng.dll - Digital Media Engine (1623 downloads)
ctmmnt.dll - Creative Wave/MIDI/Mixer Driver (NT4) (1589 downloads)
ctmp3io2.dll - Creative NOMAD II Interface DLL (1575 downloads)
ctmp3lib.dll - CtMp3Lib DLL (1507 downloads)
ctmp3sft.dll - Creative MP3 Source Filter (1488 downloads)
ctmusres.dll - Creative PlayCenter2 PC Music Library Resource (1504 downloads)
ctn2res.dll - Creative Playcenter 2 Nomad II Resource (1503 downloads)
ctnews.dll - News Engine 3.0 Main Display Module (1613 downloads)
ctnewsdl.dll - News Engine 3.0 Downloading Module (1498 downloads)
ctnewsrp.dll - News Engine 3.0 Reporting Module (1415 downloads)
ctnjbres.dll - Creative PlayCenter2 NOMAD Jukebox Resource Library (1521 downloads)
ctnmjb.dll - JukeBox SDK (1602 downloads)
ctnmsp.dll - Creative SP for Nomad (1535 downloads)
ctnomad.dll - CTNomad Server (1575 downloads)
ctnvfflt.dll - Nomad Voice File Source Filter (1619 downloads)
ctoozicft.dll - LAVA DirectShow Filter (1533 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1248826)
xinput1_3.dll (917320)
msvcr100.dll (790559)
msvcp100.dll (747617)
vcruntime140.dll (718852)
msvcp140.dll (592474)
msvcr110.dll (572787)
msvcp120.dll (382902)
msvcr120.dll (378443)
msvcp110.dll (287308)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249203)
amtlib.dll (236362)
d3dx9_39.dll (221218)
binkw32.dll (197962)
unarc.dll (186814)
steam_api.dll (183914)
d3dx9_30.dll (179021)
KERNEL32.dll (175779)
lame_enc.dll (152820)
ISDone.dll (151784)