DLL files to download for free - i - Download-DLL.com - page 6

DLL files starting with i

Download-DLL.com can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful.

Download-DLL.com offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

icdwapi.dll - CD Writing API (1758 downloads)

icenter.dll - MiniCenter DLL (1446 downloads)

icfg95.dll - Internet Configuration Library (1528 downloads)

icfgnt5.dll - Internet Connection Wizard (1509 downloads)

icfupgd.dll - Windows Firewal ICF Settings Upgrade (1328 downloads)

icg569mi.dll - (1464 downloads)

icg645mi.dll - (1465 downloads)

ichathook.dll - (1398 downloads)

icm32.dll - Microsoft Color Management Module (CMM) (1406 downloads)

icmp.dll - ICMP DLL (1819 downloads)

icmui.dll - DLL pour l'interface utilisateur du système de correspondance de couleurs Microsoft (1542 downloads)

icmw_32.dll - MotionWavelets Video Codec (1613 downloads)

icom_rd.dll - (1528 downloads)

iconf32.dll - iConf32 DLL (1509 downloads)

iconlib.dll - Icon Library (1292 downloads)

icons.dll - Additional icons for IrfanView (1769 downloads)

iconv-1.3.dll - (1612 downloads)

iconv.dll - LGPLed libiconv for Windows NT/2000/XP and Windows 95/98/ME (4695 downloads)

icq.dll - ICQ protocol plugin for Miranda IM (1633 downloads)

icq_cardclient.dll - (1499 downloads)

icqabm.dll - ABManager Module (1448 downloads)

icqaddus.dll - PluginTest DLL (1479 downloads)

icqate32.dll - (1557 downloads)

icqateima32.dll - Image Encoder/Decoder DLL (1547 downloads)

icqateimg32.dll - Image Encoder/Decoder DLL (1524 downloads)

icqateres.dll - Oscar Resource Manager (1431 downloads)

icqautomation.dll - ICQAutomation Module (1428 downloads)

icqbase.dll - (1563 downloads)

icqcheck.dll - ICQCheckingPlugin DLL (1591 downloads)

icqchte.dll - (1396 downloads)

icqcom45.dll - comm45ab Module (1549 downloads)

icqconlb.dll - ICQConnectionLib DLL (1437 downloads)

icqcontrols.dll - ICQControls Module (1399 downloads)

icqcool.dll - ICQUDPConnectionLib DLL (1460 downloads)

icqcore.dll - ICQ Core (1573 downloads)

icqcp.dll - Hotmail DLL (1539 downloads)

icqcutl.dll - (1477 downloads)

icqdatlb.dll - ICQDataLib DLL (1487 downloads)

icqentry.dll - (1461 downloads)

icqeudo.dll - EudoraAB Module (1469 downloads)

icqexct.dll - ICQExtContactsPlugin DLL (1568 downloads)

icqext.dll - PluginExternal DLL (1520 downloads)

icqfeatures.dll - ICQFeaturesListPlugin DLL (1523 downloads)

icqft.dll - ICQCheckingPlugin DLL (1514 downloads)

icqftlib.dll - ICQFtLib DLL (1420 downloads)

icqgreet.dll - ICQGreet (1435 downloads)

icqhopa.dll - ICQHomepagePluginPlugin Module (1488 downloads)

icqhops.dll - ICQHomepageStatusPlugin Module (1409 downloads)

icqhttp.dll - HttpClient Module (1439 downloads)

icqhttp_.dll - ICQHttpService Module (1471 downloads)

icqifdg.dll - ICQInfoDialogs DLL (1423 downloads)

icqinfm.dll - ICQInfoPluginManager DLL (1582 downloads)

icqinun.dll - ICQInfoUnknownPlugin DLL (1567 downloads)

icqliteshell.dll - ICQLiteShell Module (1527 downloads)

icqlrt.dll - (1535 downloads)

icqmcdgs.dll - ICQMiscDialogs DLL (1375 downloads)

icqmlp.dll - ICQEmailPrefDll DLL (1377 downloads)

icqmutl.dll - ICQUtilsLib (1435 downloads)

icqotlx.dll - aboutlookex Module (1467 downloads)

icqoutl.dll - aboutlook Module (1559 downloads)

Top DLL Download

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D3DCompiler_43.dll (248702)
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d3dx9_30.dll (178322)
KERNEL32.dll (175556)
lame_enc.dll (152681)
mss32.dll (150374)

Download-DLL.com - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012