DLL files to download for free - m - Download-DLL.com - page 30

DLL files starting with m

Download-DLL.com can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful.

Download-DLL.com offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

msgnews.dll - (1315 downloads)

msgprox.dll - SQL Server Proxy Message Datasource Provider (1343 downloads)

msgrapp.dll - Обработчик протокола MSN Messenger (1479 downloads)

msgrchkr.dll - Zone.com Checkers for MSN Messenger (1348 downloads)

msgres32.dll - Lernout & Hauspie Grammatik Engine (ES) (1240 downloads)

msgrfr32.dll - Lernout & Hauspie Grammatik Engine (FR) (1392 downloads)

msgrocm.dll - Windows Messenger OC Manager PlugIn (1468 downloads)

msgrru32.dll - Informatic Grammar DLL (1382 downloads)

msgsc.dll - Messenger Service (1340 downloads)

msgslang.dll - Messenger Language Specific Resources--English (1253 downloads)

msgsmime.dll - (1394 downloads)

msgstrpc.dll - HPC Inbox Remote Database (1280 downloads)

msgsvc(3).dll - NT Messenger Service (1289 downloads)

msgsvc.dll - NT Messenger Service (1372 downloads)

msgsys.dll - CBA -- Message System Library (1321 downloads)

msgtest.dll - IMA Message Test (1231 downloads)

msgvacm.dll - Microsoft GameVoice ACM Provider (1262 downloads)

msgvip.dll - Microsoft GameVoice IP Transport (1278 downloads)

msgvtran.dll - Microsoft GameVoice Transport (1379 downloads)

msgvve.dll - Microsoft GameVoice Voice Engine (1374 downloads)

msgvvox.dll - Microsoft GameVoice Voxware Provider (1350 downloads)

msh_zwf.dll - IntelliPoint Wheel Features DLL (1292 downloads)

mshcmd.dll - Microsoft IntelliType Pro (1398 downloads)

mshlocal.dll - Microsoft Input Device localization tools (1268 downloads)

mshtml(2).dll - Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer (1275 downloads)

mshtml.dll - Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer (2303 downloads)

mshtmled.dll - Composant d'édition HTML Microsoft (R) (1451 downloads)

mshtmler.dll - DLL de ressource du composant d'édition HTML Microsoft(R) (1394 downloads)

mshtmlmedia.dll - Microsoft (R) HTML Media DLL (1088 downloads)

mshtmltb.dll - Microsoft (R) HTML Table Editor (1261 downloads)

mshtmpgd.dll - DHTMLPageDesigner (1310 downloads)

mshtmpgr.dll - DHTMLPageDesigner (1345 downloads)

mshvc2.dll - Game Voice Speech Recognition services (1306 downloads)

mshvchat.dll - Game Voice Chat Services (1359 downloads)

mshvdsc.dll - Game Voice Recording Services (1308 downloads)

mshvhw.dll - Game Voice Hardware Services (1316 downloads)

mshvkbi.dll - Game Voice Keyboard Injector Services (1225 downloads)

mshvpres.dll - Voice Connect (1200 downloads)

mshvprof.dll - Game Voice Game Commands Profile Services (1314 downloads)

mshvres.dll - Game Voice のローカライズされたりソース (1314 downloads)

mshvsnd.dll - Game Voice Sound Services (1356 downloads)

mshwjpnrIME.dll - Microsoft Japanese Handwriting Data (1049 downloads)

mshwkorrIME.dll - (1055 downloads)

mshy3ge.dll - Lingsoft CHAPI3 (1273 downloads)

mshy3ru.dll - Informatic Hyphenator DLL. (1236 downloads)

mshy3ua.dll - Ruta Hyphenator API v3 DLL (1268 downloads)

msi.dll - Windows Installer (4389 downloads)

msi9xmig.dll - Windows Installer 2.0 Win9X Migration DLL for Win9X (1334 downloads)

msi_9x.dll - (1391 downloads)

msi_nt4.dll - (1366 downloads)

msicmp.dll - (1271 downloads)

msidcrl.dll - IDCRL Dynamic Link Library (1246 downloads)

msidcrl40.dll - IDCRL Dynamic Link Library (5460 downloads)

msident.dll - Gestionnaire d'identité Microsoft (1423 downloads)

msidle.dll - User Idle Monitor (1415 downloads)

msidntld.dll - Gestionnaire d'identité Microsoft (1403 downloads)

msidxs.dll - Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Index Server and Microsoft Site Server Search (1296 downloads)

msieftp.dll - Extension Shell dossier FTP Microsoft Internet Explorer. (1452 downloads)

msihnd.dll - Windows® installer (1482 downloads)

msihook.dll - MsiHook Module (1301 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1218610)
xinput1_3.dll (887037)
msvcr100.dll (755952)
vcruntime140.dll (706265)
msvcp100.dll (705155)
msvcp140.dll (583272)
msvcr110.dll (558564)
msvcp120.dll (378253)
msvcr120.dll (373535)
msvcp110.dll (282277)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (243302)
amtlib.dll (233212)
d3dx9_39.dll (220165)
binkw32.dll (193058)
d3dx9_30.dll (172902)
steam_api.dll (170400)
KERNEL32.dll (167803)
lame_enc.dll (151061)
mss32.dll (146871)
msvcr71.dll (138839)

Download-DLL.com - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012