DLL files to download for free - m - Download-DLL.com - page 7

DLL files starting with m

Download-DLL.com can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful.

Download-DLL.com offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

MsiCofire.dll - Corrupted MSI File Recovery Diagnostic Module (1294 downloads)

Msjet35.dll - Microsoft Jet Engine Library (2231 downloads)

Mspubw40.dll - Microsoft Publisher Wizard Back End Dynamic Link Library (1721 downloads)

Msvbvm50.dll - Visual Basic Virtual Machine (79257 downloads)

Msvbvm60.dll - Visual Basic Virtual Machine (4151 downloads)

MtcModel.dll - MtcModel (1313 downloads)

MtfDecoder.dll - "MtfDecoder.DYNLINK" (1358 downloads)

Mts2Reader.dll - Viewpoint Media Player MTS2 Reader Component (1502 downloads)

Mts3Reader.dll - Viewpoint Media Player MTS3 Reader Component (1516 downloads)

MultiMediaSDKHelper.dll - MultiMed 动态链接库 (1224 downloads)

MultiOS.dll - AOL ACS WanAtw Installer (1593 downloads)

MusUpdateHandlers.dll - Modern Update Settings Handler Implementation (1318 downloads)

MyCalendar.dll - MyCalendar (1506 downloads)

MyGUIEngine.dll - (1398 downloads)

m1.dll - M1 (2061 downloads)

m2dxfx.dll - (1621 downloads)

m2vsoftenc.dll - (1577 downloads)

m3091dc.dll - Fujitsu M3091DC/M3092DC WIA minidriver DLL (1573 downloads)

m3092dc.dll - Fujitsu M3091DC/M3092DC WIA minidriver DLL (1471 downloads)

m3jp2k32.dll - Morgan M-JPEG2000 VFW codec (1540 downloads)

m3jpeg32.dll - Morgan Multimedia MJPEG 32-bit codec (1643 downloads)

m3plugin.dll - MyWebSearch Idle Monitor (1394 downloads)

m42_v11.dll - VST Plugin (1615 downloads)

m4d.dll - (2004 downloads)

mDNSResponder.dll - Bonjour Service (1244 downloads)

m_dispatcher.dll - (1619 downloads)

m_interpreter.dll - m_interpreter (1571 downloads)

m_ir.dll - (1650 downloads)

m_parser.dll - m_parser (1608 downloads)

m_pcodegen.dll - (1594 downloads)

m_pcodeio.dll - (1492 downloads)

ma32.dll - (1673 downloads)

ma3d32.dll - (1579 downloads)

ma3e32.dll - (1534 downloads)

ma3syn.dll - ma3smwemu DLL (1564 downloads)

mac.dll - MAC Environment library (1854 downloads)

mac3r.dll - (2319 downloads)

macallanversion.dll - Macallan Version Applications (1611 downloads)

macd32.dll - MACD32 DLL (1582 downloads)

macdll.dll - Monkey's Audio DLL Library (3007 downloads)

machinecontrol.dll - (1505 downloads)

machinegun.dll - (1492 downloads)

machinist2.dll - (1373 downloads)

machnmng.dll - machnmng DLL (1580 downloads)

mackiec.dll - Adobe Audition Language Module (1558 downloads)

macpaint.dll - (1504 downloads)

macro.dll - Macro (1635 downloads)

macrofuncs.dll - (1514 downloads)

macropicker.dll - Visual C++ Macro Picker Control (1491 downloads)

macrorec.dll - Macro Operations Module (1543 downloads)

madchat.dll - (1571 downloads)

madcodehooklib.dll - API/Code Hooking Library (1549 downloads)

magPltfm.dll - magPltfm (1360 downloads)

mag_hook.dll - Microsoft Magnifier hook library file (1546 downloads)

magickjbig.dll - JBIG-KIT library (1456 downloads)

magickjpeg.dll - Independent JPEG Group's JPEG 6b-beta1 (18 Oct 1997) software (1561 downloads)

magickmpeg.dll - MPEG encoding and decoding library (1557 downloads)

magickpng.dll - libpng (1560 downloads)

magicktiff.dll - LIBTIFF (1425 downloads)

magickttf.dll - TrueType font rendering library (1608 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1236158)
xinput1_3.dll (906702)
msvcr100.dll (777024)
msvcp100.dll (731705)
vcruntime140.dll (715578)
msvcp140.dll (588751)
msvcr110.dll (566450)
msvcp120.dll (380942)
msvcr120.dll (376339)
msvcp110.dll (285224)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (246093)
amtlib.dll (235609)
d3dx9_39.dll (220776)
binkw32.dll (195771)
steam_api.dll (177187)
d3dx9_30.dll (175987)
KERNEL32.dll (173009)
unarc.dll (166757)
lame_enc.dll (152026)
mss32.dll (148925)

Download-DLL.com - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012