can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
prmedbase.dll - PrmEDBase (1351 downloads)
prmedproxy2.dll - PRMT ED Proxy/Stub (1304 downloads)
prmfonts.dll - PROMTFNT Dynamic Link Library (1488 downloads)
prmproxy.dll - PROjectMT Translation Kernel v6 Proxy/Stub (1476 downloads)
prmrange.dll - PrmRange Module (1433 downloads)
prmshell.dll - Promt Shell Extensions (1333 downloads)
prmtaot.dll - AOT module (1482 downloads)
prmtapp.dll - Support for external applications (1406 downloads)
prmtctl.dll - PROMT Translation Kernel (1301 downloads)
prmtddb.dll - prmtddb Module (1393 downloads)
prmtevw.dll - PrmtEvw.dll (1292 downloads)
prmtldb.dll - PrmtLDB Module (1349 downloads)
prmtlog.dll - PrmtLog Module (1403 downloads)
prmtpro.dll - (1341 downloads)
prmtsvr.dll - PromtSRV DLL (1383 downloads)
prmttts.dll - TTS (1420 downloads)
prmtweb.dll - PROMTWEB Dynamic Link Library (1383 downloads)
prncache.dll - Print UI Cache (1256 downloads)
prnfldr.dll - prnfldr dll (1337 downloads)
prnntfy.dll - prnntfy DLL (1344 downloads)
prntest.dll - (1352 downloads)
prntprog.dll - Autodesk Hardcopy Plot Progress Dialog DLL (1424 downloads)
prntprogres.dll - Autodesk Hardcopy Plot Progress Dialog Resource DLL (1351 downloads)
prntvpt.dll - Print Ticket Services Module (1449 downloads)
pro-52.dll - Native Instruments Pro-52 (1687 downloads)
pro-52fx.dll - Native Instruments Pro-52 (1375 downloads)
pro-53.dll - Native Instruments Pro-53 (1879 downloads)
pro-53fx.dll - Native Instruments Pro-53 (1404 downloads)
pro32.dll - Webster Pro Control (1477 downloads)
proass.dll - Projekt- und Grundrissassistent (1527 downloads)
prob3260.dll - RealProducer Control DLL (1427 downloads)
proceeddll.dll - ProceedDll DLL (1420 downloads)
process.dll - (1370 downloads)
processengineering.dll - Process Engineering DLL (1308 downloads)
procinf.dll - (1379 downloads)
procinfo.dll - (1418 downloads)
procinst.dll - Processor Class Installer (1210 downloads)
procs.dll - Dll to dump process/module information. (1427 downloads)
proctex.dll - Elastic Edge Procedural Texture COM Objects (1371 downloads)
prodopt.dll - (1654 downloads)
producerwizard.dll - ProducerWizard MFC Application (1391 downloads)
proextras.dll - Visio Professional Extras DLL (1377 downloads)
profapi.dll - User Profile Basic API (1868 downloads)
profdefv7.dll - Microsoft (R) Visual Studio Profiling Defaulter (1344 downloads)
profext.dll - Sample Property Provider (1394 downloads)
profile.dll - (1871 downloads)
profile1.dll - (1324 downloads)
profile2.dll - (1310 downloads)
profiler.dll - Profiler DLL (2585 downloads)
profiling_control.dll - (1319 downloads)
profio.dll - (1371 downloads)
profman.dll - (1321 downloads)
profmap.dll - Userenv (1506 downloads)
profprov.dll - User Profile WMI Provider (1282 downloads)
profresolv.dll - profresolv DLL (1278 downloads)
profsvc.dll - ProfSvc (1291 downloads)
profsvcext.dll - ProfSvcExt (1475 downloads)
progdlg.dll - Microsoft(R) Visual C++ Progress Dialog Component (1347 downloads)
progressreport.dll - (1275 downloads)
progupd.dll - ProgUpd (1373 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1236158)
xinput1_3.dll (906703)
msvcr100.dll (777027)
msvcp100.dll (731706)
vcruntime140.dll (715578)
msvcp140.dll (588752)
msvcr110.dll (566450)
msvcp120.dll (380943)
msvcr120.dll (376339)
msvcp110.dll (285224)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (246093)
amtlib.dll (235609)
d3dx9_39.dll (220776)
binkw32.dll (195771)
steam_api.dll (177187)
d3dx9_30.dll (175987)
KERNEL32.dll (173009)
unarc.dll (166757)
lame_enc.dll (152026)
mss32.dll (148925)