DLL files to download for free - v - Download-DLL.com - page 12

DLL files starting with v

Download-DLL.com can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".

You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).

This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful.

Download-DLL.com offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.

DLL files available for free download:

vokko.dll - VST Plugin (1410 downloads)

volresp.dll - Microsoft IIS Simple Search Example ISAPI API (1226 downloads)

voltocdx.dll - Volto CDDB Component (1277 downloads)

volume3.dll - (1341 downloads)

volume32.dll - Ovládání hlasitosti (1263 downloads)

volumeosd.dll - (1369 downloads)

voodoo.dll - (1355 downloads)

voodoo2z.dll - Voodoo2 3rash Module (1311 downloads)

voodoogl.dll - OpenGL 1.1 Standalone Client Driver (1339 downloads)

voodooz.dll - Voodoo 3rash Module (1317 downloads)

voptxp.dll - VoptXP Module (1279 downloads)

vorbis.dll - (14982 downloads)

vorbis_d.dll - (1416 downloads)

vorbisenc.dll - (1618 downloads)

vorbisenc_d.dll - (1209 downloads)

vorbisencx.dll - VorbisEncoderX Control (1328 downloads)

vorbisfile.dll - (81009 downloads)

vorbisfile_d.dll - (1501 downloads)

vorbishooked.dll - (1647 downloads)

vos3MSC.dll - (1349 downloads)

votebot.dll - VOTEBOT DLL (1327 downloads)

votesrvr.dll - (1302 downloads)

vox.dll - Adobe Audition Language Module (1446 downloads)

voxciter.dll - VoxCiter Vocal Enhancement PlugIn (1505 downloads)

voxengostereotouch.dll - (1300 downloads)

voxengotempodelay.dll - (1318 downloads)

voxengotubeamp.dll - (1335 downloads)

vp1-phaser.dll - (1397 downloads)

vp31vfw.dll - On2_VP3 (1215 downloads)

vp6vfw.dll - VP6 VIDEO FOR WINDOWS CODEC (1445 downloads)

vparser.dll - Microsoft Works VObject Parser (1203 downloads)

vpclient.dll - SorontiView.dll (1339 downloads)

vpcnets2.dll - Virtual PC Emulated Ethernet Switch Configuration Notify Object (1323 downloads)

vpcshexh.dll - Shell Extension DLL (1305 downloads)

vpingpong.dll - (1313 downloads)

vpinmame.dll - COM class for PinMAME (1358 downloads)

vpm105.dll - S3 VPM Device Driver (1308 downloads)

vpm110.dll - S3 VPM Device Driver (1339 downloads)

vpmdd16.dll - NeoMagic VPM 16 bit thunk helper (1231 downloads)

vpmdd32.dll - Vpmdd32 (1268 downloads)

vpmsece.dll - Norton AntiVirus (1309 downloads)

vpnclientpsprovider.dll - VPN Client WMIv2 Provider (1060 downloads)

vpnike.dll - VPNIKE Protocol Engine - Test dll (1309 downloads)

vpnikeapi.dll - VPN IKE API's (1235 downloads)

vps.dll - TV-Applikation für BT848 Karten (1486 downloads)

vpshellres.dll - Symantec AntiVirus (2512 downloads)

vpxmt.dll - (2409 downloads)

vqdll.dll - VQGEN Image Compression Tool Dll (1264 downloads)

vqf.1.dll - Audio plugin (1365 downloads)

vqf.dll - Audio plugin (1391 downloads)

vqfdeclib.1.1.dll - Audio plugin (1218 downloads)

vqfdeclib.1.dll - Audio plugin (1338 downloads)

vqfdeclib.dll - Audio plugin (1364 downloads)

vqfenclib.1.1.dll - Audio plugin (1194 downloads)

vqfenclib.1.dll - Audio plugin (1225 downloads)

vqfenclib.dll - Audio plugin (1236 downloads)

vqfenclib1.1.1.dll - Audio plugin (1210 downloads)

vqfenclib1.1.dll - Audio plugin (1170 downloads)

vqfenclib1.dll - Audio plugin (1293 downloads)

vray40.dll - (1264 downloads)

Top DLL Download

D3DX9_43.dll (1218609)
xinput1_3.dll (887036)
msvcr100.dll (755946)
vcruntime140.dll (706265)
msvcp100.dll (705155)
msvcp140.dll (583272)
msvcr110.dll (558564)
msvcp120.dll (378253)
msvcr120.dll (373535)
msvcp110.dll (282277)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (243302)
amtlib.dll (233212)
d3dx9_39.dll (220165)
binkw32.dll (193057)
d3dx9_30.dll (172902)
steam_api.dll (170400)
KERNEL32.dll (167803)
lame_enc.dll (151061)
mss32.dll (146871)
msvcr71.dll (138839)

Download-DLL.com - Download missing DLL files for free - Copyright 2012