can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
wmaencx.dll - WMAEncoderX Control (1392 downloads)
wmafile.dll - WMA File Plug-in for GoldWave (1558 downloads)
wmahelp.dll - (1393 downloads)
wmaimprtpln.dll - RealNetworks Windows Media Import plugin (1401 downloads)
wmamgr.dll - WMA Manager (1392 downloads)
wmapint.dll - WM Event Notify Service Interface (1569 downloads)
wmasvc.dll - Adobe® Audition⢠WMA9 Common Interface (1519 downloads)
wmcc32r.dll - Client Config Policy Snap-in resources (1451 downloads)
wmcchlpr.dll - Novell Workstation Manager Client Config Helper (1483 downloads)
wmclient.dll - WebMoney Keeper Classic Module (1438 downloads)
wmcodecdspps.dll - Windows Media CodecDSP Proxy Stub Dll (1320 downloads)
wmdband.dll - Windows Media Player (1412 downloads)
wmdevctl.dll - WMDevCtl Module (1409 downloads)
wmdmlog.dll - Windows Media Device Manager Logger (1405 downloads)
wmdmps.dll - Windows Media Device Manager Proxy Stub (1527 downloads)
wmdrmdev.dll - Windows Media DRM for Network Devices Registration DLL (1497 downloads)
wmdrmnet.dll - Windows Media DRM for Network Devices DLL (1437 downloads)
wmdrmsdk.dll - Windows Media DRM SDK DLL (1753 downloads)
wmdvi.dll - Quartz Virtual instrument Extension (1677 downloads)
wmedque.dll - WME Record Queue (1409 downloads)
wmenceng.dll - WMEncEng Module (1477 downloads)
wmencloc.dll - WMEncLoc Module (1341 downloads)
wmencres.dll - Windows Media Encoder Language Pack (1457 downloads)
wmerrFRA.dll - Services Windows Media Définitions d'erreurs (1472 downloads)
wmerrenu.dll - Windows Media Services Error Definitions (1343 downloads)
wmerresp.dll - Definiciones de error de Servicios de Windows Media (1510 downloads)
wmerrnor.dll - Feildefinisjoner for Windows Media Services (1461 downloads)
wmerror.dll - Définitions d'erreurs Windows Media (anglais) (1442 downloads)
wmerrrus.dll - ÐпÑÐµÐ´ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñибок ÑлÑжб Windows Media (1388 downloads)
wmerrsve.dll - Feldefinitioner för Windows Media Services (1503 downloads)
wmesrcwp.dll - WMESrcWp Module (1391 downloads)
wmex.dll - WM Encoder Extensions (1569 downloads)
wmexenu.dll - WM Encoder Extensions Language Pack (1451 downloads)
wmexfmwp.dll - WMEXfmWp Module (1390 downloads)
wmexres.dll - WM Encoder Extensions Language Pack (1400 downloads)
wmf.dll - (1556 downloads)
wmf2pict.dll - (1447 downloads)
wmfplug2.dll - Sony Windows Media Format (1428 downloads)
wmfplug3.dll - Sony Windows Media Format (1465 downloads)
wmgrppol.dll - 2000 Group Policies (1361 downloads)
wmi.dll - WMI DC and DP functionality (1646 downloads)
wmi2xml.dll - WMI XML Convertor (1510 downloads)
wmiapres.dll - WMI Performance Reverse Adapter Resources (1468 downloads)
wmiaprpl.dll - WMI Performance Reverse Adapter (1561 downloads)
wmibridge.dll - Windows Media Services WMI Event Bridge Plugin (1408 downloads)
wmiclnt.dll - WMI Client API (1466 downloads)
wmicmiplugin.dll - WMI CMI Plugin (1365 downloads)
wmicookr.dll - WMI (1386 downloads)
wmicore.dll - WMI service core functionality (1380 downloads)
wmidcom.dll - WMI (1324 downloads)
wmidcprv.dll - WMI (1500 downloads)
wmidx.dll - Windows Media Indexer DLL (2007 downloads)
wmilistener.dll - Windows Media Services Admin WMI Listener (1426 downloads)
wmimplex.dll - (1463 downloads)
wmimsg.dll - WMI (1441 downloads)
wminstal.dll - (1415 downloads)
wminv3.dll - ZENworks Inventory Helper (1468 downloads)
wminv32r.dll - WMINV32 resource File (1456 downloads)
wminvexr.dll - Workstation Manager Inventory Extract Resources (1408 downloads)
wmipcima.dll - WMI Win32Ex Provider (1412 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1249426)
xinput1_3.dll (917628)
msvcr100.dll (791286)
msvcp100.dll (748344)
vcruntime140.dll (718913)
msvcp140.dll (592552)
msvcr110.dll (573130)
msvcp120.dll (383008)
msvcr120.dll (378572)
msvcp110.dll (287469)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249318)
amtlib.dll (236380)
d3dx9_39.dll (221246)
binkw32.dll (198095)
unarc.dll (187977)
steam_api.dll (184333)
d3dx9_30.dll (179105)
KERNEL32.dll (175847)
ISDone.dll (153298)
lame_enc.dll (152842)