can help you solve your problems of missing .dll files on Windows.
10000 DLL files are offered as a free download to fix errors "dll not found".
You've probably already encountered an error "xxx.DLL file is missing" or "file.dll not found" when launching an application or a game on Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or the new Windows 10).
This type of error can affect the functionality of your Windows application and be very painful. offers an easy way to correct these DLL problems: download your missing DLL file for free.
WlanMM.dll - Dot11 Media and AdHoc Managers (1420 downloads)
WlanMediaManager.dll - Windows WLAN Media Manager DLL (1420 downloads)
WlanMmHC.dll - Media Manager Helper Class (1313 downloads)
WlanRadioManager.dll - Wlan Radio Manager (1502 downloads)
Wmaudsdk.dll - Windows Media Audio SDK DLL (2312 downloads)
WmiPerfClass.dll - WbemPerf V2 Class Provider (1429 downloads)
WmiPerfInst.dll - WbemPerf V2 Instance Provider (1280 downloads)
Wmmutil.dll - Windows Movie Maker (1581 downloads)
WmpDui.dll - Windows Media Player UI Engine (1448 downloads)
Wmvcore.dll - Windows Media Playback/Authoring DLL (58649 downloads)
WnASPI32.dll - ASPI Layer for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 (15895 downloads)
WndFrame.dll - (1607 downloads)
WofTasks.dll - WIM Boot Tasks (1392 downloads)
WofUtil.dll - Windows Overlay File System Filter user mode API (1401 downloads)
WordBreakers.dll - "WordBreakers.DYNLINK" (1356 downloads)
WorkFoldersGPExt.dll - Microsoft (C) Work Folders Group Policy Client Extension (1400 downloads)
WorkFoldersRes.dll - Work Folders Resources (1420 downloads)
WorkFoldersShell.dll - Microsoft (C) Work Folders Shell Extension (1406 downloads)
WorkfoldersControl.dll - Microsoft (C) Work Folders Control Panel (1399 downloads)
WpAXHolder.dll - WPAXHolder (1615 downloads)
WpPortingLibrary.dll -
Wpc.dll - WPC Settings Library (1465 downloads)
WpcApi.dll - WpcOtsApi.dll (1425 downloads)
WpcMigration.dll - Family Safety Migration (1271 downloads)
WpcRefreshTask.dll - Family Safety Refresh Task (1393 downloads)
WpcWebFilter.dll - WpcWebFilter.dll (1534 downloads)
WpcWebSync.dll - Family Safety Web Synchronization Library (1318 downloads)
WpdFs.dll - Windows Portable Device File System Driver (1327 downloads)
WpdMtpIP.dll - IP transport layer for MTP driver (1299 downloads)
WpdMtpbt.dll - Bluetooth transport layer for MTP driver (1256 downloads)
WpdShext.dll - Portable Devices Shell Extension (1830 downloads)
Wpdcomp.dll - Windows Portable Device Composite Driver (1318 downloads)
WpnUserService.dll - Windows Push Notification User Service (1436 downloads)
WppRecorderUM.dll - "WppRecorderUM.DYNLINK" (1443 downloads)
WsBurn.dll - WSBurn Dynamic Link Library (1346 downloads)
WsUpgrade.dll - Winsock Upgrade Plugin (1326 downloads)
WsmAgent.dll - WinRM Agent (1391 downloads)
WsmAuto.dll - WSMAN Automation (1416 downloads)
WsmRes.dll - Fichier DLL de ressources WSMan (1408 downloads)
WsmSvc.dll - WSMan Service (1398 downloads)
WsmWmiPl.dll - WSMAN WMI Provider (1403 downloads)
WtgWiFiCore.dll - WiFi Core DLL (1448 downloads)
WudfPlatform.dll - Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Platform Library (1610 downloads)
WudfSMCClassExt.dll - Smart Card Class Extension (1365 downloads)
WudfSvc.dll - Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Service (1641 downloads)
WudfUsbBID.dll - WUDF: USB Biometric Input Device Class Driver (1284 downloads)
WwaApi.dll - Microsoft Web Application Host API library (1406 downloads)
WwaExt.dll - Microsoft Web Application Host Extension library (1385 downloads)
WwanRadioManager.dll - Wwan Radio Manager (1365 downloads)
Wwanadvui.dll - Wireless WAN Connection Flows (1265 downloads)
Wwanpref.dll - Wireless WAN Profile Settings Editor (1362 downloads)
WzCrypto.dll - (1388 downloads)
w035f32w.dll - Conversion Component (1550 downloads)
w042f32w.dll - Conversion Component (1513 downloads)
w042t32w.dll - Conversion Component (1555 downloads)
w111f32w.dll - (1557 downloads)
w1import.dll - (1314 downloads)
w2k_lsa_auth.dll - (1522 downloads)
w30_src.dll - Source Window Browser for WinOnCD (1562 downloads)
w32.dll - W32 Display Driver (1972 downloads)
D3DX9_43.dll (1249426)
xinput1_3.dll (917628)
msvcr100.dll (791286)
msvcp100.dll (748344)
vcruntime140.dll (718914)
msvcp140.dll (592552)
msvcr110.dll (573130)
msvcp120.dll (383008)
msvcr120.dll (378572)
msvcp110.dll (287469)
D3DCompiler_43.dll (249318)
amtlib.dll (236380)
d3dx9_39.dll (221246)
binkw32.dll (198095)
unarc.dll (187977)
steam_api.dll (184333)
d3dx9_30.dll (179105)
KERNEL32.dll (175847)
ISDone.dll (153298)
lame_enc.dll (152842)